[java-without-browser is stable as a rock, java-in-browser was always... shaky, the server holds all the transpiled java, basically i shortened everything i ever wanted to shorten in java, any java structure can be serialized with structure(), all java is also javax, so you can start right away if you know java, , we're using python and javax, we're talking lists in java, so there is the obvious 0 vs 1-based issue mentally activated, it runs apache, php, mysql, at least one java process, will it work?? ``` while ((i = findCodeTokens(tok, "repeat", "", "{")) >= 0) { S v = makeVar("repeat"); tok.set(i, "for (int " + v + " = 0; " + v + " < " + tok.get(i+2) + "; " + v + "++)"); tok.set(i+2, ""); tok.set(i+4, ""); tok = javaTok(tok); }```, hey i'll make a repeat statement for javax, like, convert to java?, when i can properly parse all javax code, the system can analyze itself :stuck_out_tongue:, hm, i kinda have a java eval() function now, define javax: just slightly greater than python, oh, lichess has javascript evaluation?, i'm testing evaluating java from strings, typical javax error msg >> main$Bot cannot be cast to main$Bot, i can actually put java operator precedence rules in the parser rules, it defines integers by means of java code, it's just not java, i think i'll clean up the new server a bit more... i want it run nothing but java(x) :smile:, i think i'll clean up the new server a bit more... i want it run nothing but java(x) :smile:, oh java doesn't like it, oh java is so picky..., it's pickle and unpickle for java :simple_smile:, just the stuff that was always missing in java..., i use a function called eq for everything in javax, i have a javax translator that fixes that, java is stupid :smile:, strings can't be compared with == in java..., instead you're comparing strings with == which java hates...] 33 results found