That's gonna be fun
Hamburger sind katzosexuell
@ 2015-08-24 – 23:52:30
Ich kenn eine, die schläft mit ihren zwei Katzen. Skandal!!
The stuff that exists!
@ 2015-08-24 – 19:09:41
A translator from MIPS binary to Java byte code.
Who knows if it's usable... but... the idea!!
- Also I'm trying to encode speech as MP3 in Java - as usual it's all too complicated.
Edit: Here's StackOverflow's take on the MP3 thing:
String[] mp3Args = {"--preset","standard",
Main m = new mp3.Main();
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("ERROR processing MP3 " + e);// Some bug in Android seems to cause error BufferedOutputSteam is Closed. But it still seems to work OK.
}Haha... bugs. We should get rid of those, really.
TinyBrain can talk!
@ 2015-08-24 – 00:29:28
It will just say a short sentence through the speakers. I believe the voice is called "Kevin".
Source. (The code is simply copied from StackOverflow and augmented with library invocations. It shows that JavaX can easily handle libraries of all kinds.)
Does it work for you? Please report! Linux working fine.
I lost my VirtualBox installation of Windows XP, so no testee testee there...
Guessing what the user wants
@ 2015-08-23 – 16:36:54
That's the main thing, isn't it? How can we do it?
How about recording the user's actions?
Let's make such a script. We can call it "the learner". Invoke as such (not actual code yet):
javax learner show an animation
Then you search for a suitable program to run, and run it - through the learner to be sure it notices.
javax learner 123
When that was good, you say:
javax learner good which point it will present what it has learned, and ask you for your confirmation, like so:
"show an animation" => !123OK?
...which you confirm with:
javax learner ok
And next time you enter the first command, it should present you with a suggestion for running script 123.
Edit: Implemented :) #745
I only need to remember one ID - 636
@ 2015-08-23 – 16:25:08
It's my ID for everything because I collect the stuff I usually need in #636.
As you can see, it's not that complicated anyway. Just a few lines.
636 has two modes:
As a translator (!636) to transform my super-enhanced JavaX sources into actual Java.
And as a main program, e.g. for the command line on any of my Unix machines:
javax 636 latest search for the latest snippets (currently implementing that ).
You can do the same thing to get your own JavaX dialect! Just make a copy of #636, thereby getting your own ID, and hack anything you want to change.
JavaX for Android sped up!
@ 2015-08-23 – 15:27:12
JavaX programs now start really quickly on Android, usually in a matter of 2 seconds (one network access).
And you don't even need to install anything, it's still the same app.
(Do you want a version with less permissions? Many demos would run with less permissions too.)
Wir leben in unglaublicher Einsamkeit
@ 2015-08-23 – 01:02:36
Man muss es ja mal sagen. Lass mal mehr reden.
Ich bekämpfe jetzt Angela Merkel
@ 2015-08-23 – 00:49:15
I will now fight Angela Merkel.
Das Leben ist dazu da, was draus zu machen.
Life is for livvving...
Das Land JENSEITS der Schmerzen
@ 2015-08-22 – 23:17:01
Kannst du es dir noch vorstellen?
Ich BIN da. Jedenfalls... Dienstags.
It is all coming into place
@ 2015-08-22 – 23:14:57
The task was to give computers a real identity.
Which, incidentally, means: giving programs a real identity. Like... a number. That can be filled with life.