class Java20 extends Lexicon { Java20() { /** * Grammar for Java 2.0. * * Nonterminal - first letter uppercase * TERMINAL - all letters uppercase * keyword - all letters lowercase */ int INFINITY = -1; /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.6: White Space: [[:space:]] */ put("WHITE_SPACE", new Repetition(, 1, INFINITY)); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.7: Comment */ put("COMMENT", new Union( // // Traditional Comment: /\*[^*]+(\*([^*/][^*]*)?)*\*/ // new Concatenation( new Singleton("/*"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new NonMatch("*"), 1, INFINITY), new Concatenation( new Repetition( new Concatenation( new Singleton("*"), new Repetition(new Concatenation( new NonMatch("*/"), new Repetition(new NonMatch("*"), 0, INFINITY) ), 0, 1) ), 0, INFINITY ), new Singleton("*/") ))), new Union( /** * End Of Line Comment: //[^\n]*\n */ new Concatenation( new Singleton("//"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new NonMatch("\n"), 0, INFINITY), new Singleton("\n") )), // // Documentation Comment: /\*\*(([^*/][^*]*)?\*)*/ // new Concatenation( new Singleton("/**"), new Concatenation( new Repetition( new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Concatenation( new NonMatch("*/"), new Repetition(new NonMatch("*"), 0, INFINITY) ), 0, 1), new Singleton("*") ), 0, INFINITY ), new Singleton("/") )) ))); put("IDENTIFIER", new Concatenation( new Union( PosixClass.alpha(), new Match("_$") ), new Repetition( new Union( PosixClass.alnum(), new Match("_$") ), 0, INFINITY ) )); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.9: Keyword (recognized but not in the Java grammar) */ put("KEYWORD", new Union( new Singleton("const"), new Singleton("goto") )); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.10.1: Integer Literal */ put("INTEGER_LITERAL", new Concatenation( new Union( /** * Decimal Integer Literal: 0|[1-9][[:digit:]]* */ new Singleton("0"), new Union( new Concatenation( new Range('1', '9'), new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 0, INFINITY) ), new Union( /** * Hexadecimal Integer Literal: 0[xX][[:xdigit:]]+ */ new Concatenation( new Singleton("0"), new Concatenation( new Match("xX"), new Repetition(PosixClass.xdigit(), 1, INFINITY) )), /** * Octal Integer Literal: 0[0-7]+ */ new Concatenation( new Singleton("0"), new Repetition(new Range('0', '7'), 1, INFINITY) ) ))), new Repetition(new Match("lL"), 0, 1) )); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.10.2: Floating-Point Literal */ put("FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL", new Union( /** * [[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]*([eE][-+]?[[:digit:]]+)?[fFdD]? */ new Concatenation( new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY), new Concatenation( new Singleton("."), new Concatenation( new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 0, INFINITY), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Concatenation( new Match("eE"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Match("-+"), 0, 1), new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY) )), 0, 1), new Repetition(new Match("fFdD"), 0, 1) )))), new Union( /** * \.[[:digit:]]+([eE][-+]?[[:digit:]]+)?[fFdD]? */ new Concatenation( new Singleton("."), new Concatenation( new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Concatenation( new Match("eE"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Match("-+"), 0, 1), new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY) )), 0, 1), new Repetition(new Match("fFdD"), 0, 1) ))), new Union( /** * [[:digit:]]+[eE][-+]?[[:digit:]]+[fFdD]? */ new Concatenation( new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY), new Concatenation( new Match("eE"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Match("-+"), 0, 1), new Concatenation( new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY), new Repetition(new Match("fFdD"), 0, 1) )))), /** * [[:digit:]]+([eE][-+]?[[:digit:]]+)?[fFdD] */ new Concatenation( new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Concatenation( new Match("eE"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Match("-+"), 0, 1), new Repetition(PosixClass.digit(), 1, INFINITY) )), 0, 1), new Match("fFdD") )) )))); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.10.3: Boolean Literal */ put("BOOLEAN_LITERAL", new Union( new Singleton("true"), new Singleton("false") )); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.10.4: Character Literal */ put("CHARACTER_LITERAL", new Concatenation( new Singleton("'"), new Concatenation( new Union( /** * Single Character: [^\r\n'\\] */ new NonMatch("\r\n'\\"), /** * Escape Sequence: \\([btnfr\"'\\]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}) */ new Concatenation( new Singleton("\\"), new Union( new Match("btnfr\"'\\"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Range('0', '3'), 0, 1), new Repetition(new Range('0', '7'), 1, 2) ) ) ) ), new Singleton("'") ))); /** * 19.3 Terminals from section 3.10.5: String Literal */ put("STRING_LITERAL", new Concatenation( new Singleton("\""), new Concatenation( new Repetition( new Union( /** * Single Character: [^\r\n"\\] */ new NonMatch("\r\n\"\\"), /** * Escape Sequence: \\([btnfr\"'\\]|[0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}) */ new Concatenation( new Singleton("\\"), new Union( new Match("btnfr\"'\\"), new Concatenation( new Repetition(new Range('0', '3'), 0, 1), new Repetition(new Range('0', '7'), 1, 2) ) ) ) ), 0, INFINITY ), new Singleton("\"") ))); /** * 19.3 Terminals section 3.10.7: Null Literal */ put("NULL_LITERAL", new Singleton("null")); // OK, it seems we have to add some more stuff... //put("OTHER1", new Match(";{}=,<>[]().+-:|&!")); //put("OTHER1", new NonMatch("")); // catch anything, one character at a time put("OTHER1", new NonMatch(" \t\r\n")); // catch any non-whitespace, one character at a time } } // class Java20