sclass StructureStringIndenter { // how many levels to indent, max settable int levels = 100; // inline lowest levels of char count is not higher than this settable int inlineChars = 40; settable bool verbose; // internal LS tok; Map bracketMap; S get(S s) { if (s == null) null; tok = javaTokForStructure(s); int n = l(tok); bracketMap = getBracketMap(tok, l1 isOpeningBracket, l1 isClosingBracket); // being careful because this.levels might be Int.MAX_VALUE int levels = clampToInt(this.levels*2L); new StringBuilder buf; int indent = 0; for i to n: { S t = tok.get(i); if (isOpeningBracket(t)) { S prev = _get(tok, i-2); Int j = or(bracketMap.get(i), n); if (j != null && (eq(prev, "intarray") || !tokenRangeLongerThanNChars(tok, i+1, j+1, inlineChars))) { // ONE LINE buf.append(joinSubList(tok, i, j+1)); i = j; } else { // MULTIPLE LINES if (verbose) print("Bracket part longer than " + inlineChars + " chars: " + quote(shortenJoinSubList(inlineChars, tok, i, j+1))); indent += 2; buf.append(t); if (indent <= levels) buf.append("\n").append(spaces(indent)); } } else if (isClosingBracket(t)) { indent -= 2; if (indent < levels) buf.append("\n").append(spaces(indent)); buf.append(t); } else if (indent <= levels && eq(t, ",")) { buf.append(t).append("\n").append(spaces(indent)); i++; } else buf.append(t); } ret str(buf); } }