lib 1400572 // pngj import*; import*; svoid printPNGChunks(File pngFile) { PngReaderDumb png = new(pngFile); png.setIncludeIdat(true); png.readAll(); print(f2s(pngFile)); pnlMap("Chunk ", png.getChunks(), chunk -> chunk + ", crcval=" + bytesToHex(chunk.crcval)); } /** * Sample implementation of a very basic reader that only loads the empty chunks * (except the IHDR). The IDAT are optional. */ sclass PngReaderDumb { protected ChunkSeqReader chunkseq; protected final BufferedStreamFeeder streamFeeder; protected List chunks = new ArrayList(); protected boolean includeIdat = true; protected ImageInfo imgInfo; private boolean interlaced = false; public PngReaderDumb(InputStream inputStream) { streamFeeder = new BufferedStreamFeeder(inputStream); } public PngReaderDumb(File file) { this(PngHelperInternal.istreamFromFile(file)); } public void readAll() { chunkseq = createChunkSeqReader(); try { streamFeeder.feedAll(chunkseq); } finally { close(); } } protected ChunkSeqReader createChunkSeqReader() { ChunkSeqSkipping cs = new ChunkSeqSkipping(false) { // don't check CRC @Override protected void postProcessChunk(ChunkReader chunkR) { super.postProcessChunk(chunkR); if (!(chunkR.getChunkRaw().id.equals(ChunkHelper.IDAT) && !includeIdat)) chunks.add(chunkR.getChunkRaw()); } @Override protected void startNewChunk(int len, String id, long offset) { super.startNewChunk(len, id, offset); // } @Override protected boolean shouldSkipContent(int len, String id) { return !id.equals(ChunkHelper.IHDR); // we skip everything } }; return cs; } public ImageInfo getImageInfo() { if (imgInfo == null) { if (chunks.size() > 0) { PngChunkIHDR ihdr = new PngChunkIHDR(null); ihdr.parseFromRaw(chunks.get(0)); imgInfo = ihdr.createImageInfo(); interlaced = ihdr.isInterlaced(); } } return imgInfo; } public ChunkSeqReader getChunkseq() { return chunkseq; } public List getChunks() { return chunks; } public void setIncludeIdat(boolean includeIdat) { this.includeIdat = includeIdat; } protected boolean shouldStoreChunkOnList(ChunkRaw raw) { return"IDAT") && !includeIdat ? false : true; } public void setShouldCloseStream(boolean shouldCloseStream) { streamFeeder.setCloseStream(shouldCloseStream); } public void close() { if (chunkseq != null) chunkseq.close(); streamFeeder.close(); } public String toStringCompact() { return imgInfo.toStringBrief() + (interlaced ? "i" : ""); } }