// A "mesh" is a set of points ("anchors") connected through curves.
// An anchor is either
// -the end of a curve
// -an intersection of curves
// -or a randomly chosen point along a curve (type 3)
// A type 3 anchor can be necessary to define an "o" shape
// (because such a shape doesn't have an anchor point per se,
// so we just choose one point along the ring).
// Sometimes however, a type 3 anchor is an artifact of the mesh
// finding process and can be eliminated, reducing the anchor and
// curve count by 1.
srecord noeq G22SkeletonToMesh(IImageRegion region) is Steppable {
settable bool debug;
settable bool debugDroppingUnnecessaryAnchors;
settable bool autoSimplify = true;
new LinkedHashMap anchorMap; // sorted by index
//gettable new L anchors;
new Set curves; // in no particular order
sclass Curve {
Anchor start, end;
OnePathWithOrigin path; // origin = start.pt
*(Anchor *start, Anchor *end, L points) {
path = new OnePathWithOrigin(points, false);
toString {
ret "Curve of length " + n2(path.nSteps())
+ " connecting " + start?.shortToString() + " and " + end?.shortToString();
// This counts one of the anchors, but not the other.
// So if the anchors are right next to each other,
// the curve's length is 1.
int length() { ret path.nSteps(); }
L anchors() { ret ll(start, end); }
sclass Anchor {
int index; // every anchor gets a number starting from one
Pt pt;
new L outgoingCurves;
new L incomingCurves;
*(int *index, Pt *pt) {}
int arity() { ret l(outgoingCurves) + l(incomingCurves); }
S shortToString() {
ret "Anchor " + index + " at " + pt;
toString {
L connections = sorted(map(connectedToAnchors(), a -> a.index));
ret shortToString() + ", arity " + arity()
+ stringIf(isRingAnchor(), " [arbitrarily chosen ring anchor]")
+ (empty(connections) ? "" : ", connected to " + joinWithComma(connections));
Set connectedToAnchors() {
ret joinSets(
map(outgoingCurves, c -> c.end),
map(incomingCurves, c -> c.start));
// The ring case where we just randomly select an anchor
bool isRingAnchor() {
ret l(outgoingCurves) == 1 && l(incomingCurves) == 1
&& first(outgoingCurves) == first(incomingCurves);
ItIt regionIterator;
new L queue;
new PtSet pointsSeen;
// p is a point in 3x3 neighborhood of anchor
srecord noeq WorkItem(Anchor anchor, Pt p) {}
public bool step() {
// first, initialize iterator
if (regionIterator == null)
regionIterator = region.pixelIterator();
// then check queue for work
if (nempty(queue)) {
WorkItem work = popLast(queue);
Pt p = work.p;
new PtBuffer curvePoints;
curvePoints.add(work.anchor.pt); // add anchor to path
Anchor endAnchor = null;
if (debug) print("Exploring from " + work.anchor.pt + " / " + p);
while ping (true) {
if (debug) print("Curve point " + p);
// did we hit another anchor?
endAnchor = anchorMap.get(p);
if (endAnchor != null) {
if (debug) print("Hit anchor " + endAnchor);
// check if we visited this point already
if (!pointsSeen.add(p)) {
if (l(curvePoints) == 2)
true; // It's a 1-pixel curve anyway, just forget it
// If this is an actual thing, we should make a proper anchor here (splitting existing curves).
// I don't think it's actually a thing though
warn("Surprising seen point (" + curvePoints + "). Adding as anchor");
PtBuffer branches = unexploredPointsAround(p);
// line ends or branches - same thing for us, it means our curve ends and we create a new anchor here
if (l(branches) != 1) {
if (debug) print("Branch count: " + l(branches));
} else
p = first(branches); // curve continues
if (endAnchor == null)
endAnchor = newAnchor(p);
addCurve(new Curve(work.anchor, endAnchor, curvePoints));
// finally look for next point in region
if (regionIterator.hasNext()) {
Pt p = regionIterator.next();
// check if point already seen, otherwise mark as seen
if (!pointsSeen.add(p)) true;
// new point - save as anchor
// last step, simplify
if (autoSimplify) simplify();
Anchor newAnchor(Pt p) {
Anchor anchor = new(l(anchorMap)+1, p);
anchorMap.put(p, anchor);
// explore in all directions
for (Pt p2 : unexploredPointsAround(p))
queue.add(new WorkItem(anchor, p2));
ret anchor;
PtBuffer unexploredPointsAround(Pt p) {
new PtBuffer out;
for (int dir = 1; dir <= 8; dir++) {
Pt p2 = onePathDirection(p, dir);
if (region.contains(p2) && !pointsSeen.contains(p2))
ret out;
Cl anchorPts() { ret keys(anchorMap); }
Cl anchors() { ret values(anchorMap); }
bool simplify() {
ret 0 != stepAll(combineSteppables_dontDropEnded(
l0 dropLengthOneCurves,
l0 dropShortLoops,
l0 dropUnnecessaryAnchors));
// drops very short curves connecting a node to itself
// returns true if anything changed
bool dropShortLoops() {
int n = l(curves);
for (Curve curve : cloneList(curves)) {
if (curve.start != curve.end) continue;
if (curve.length() > 3) continue;
if (debug) print("Removing short loop: " + curve);
ret l(curves) < n;
// returns true if anything changed
bool dropLengthOneCurves() {
int n = l(anchorMap);
for (Curve curve : cloneList(curves)) {
if (curve.length() != 1) continue;
// Decide which anchor to keep
bool keepStartAnchor = curve.start.arity() >= curve.end.arity();
// Forget curve
// Merge the less important (defined as: less connected) anchor into the other one
if (keepStartAnchor)
mergeAnchor(curve.end, curve.start);
mergeAnchor(curve.start, curve.end);
ret l(anchorMap) < n;
void removeCurve(Curve curve) {
// moves a1's connections to a2, deletes a1
void mergeAnchor(Anchor a1, Anchor a2) {
if (debug) printVarsInMultipleLines("mergeAnchor", +a1, +a2);
for (Curve curve : a1.outgoingCurves) {
// first step is now going from a2 to a1
curve.path.insertStep(0, ptMinus(a1.pt, a2.pt));
curve.start = a2;
for (Curve curve : a1.incomingCurves) {
// last step is now going from a1 to a2
curve.path.addStep(ptMinus(a2.pt, a1.pt));
curve.end = a2;
// returns true if anything changed
bool dropUnnecessaryAnchors() {
int n = l(anchorMap);
for (Anchor anchor : cloneValues(anchorMap)) {
if (anchor.arity() != 2) continue;
if (anchor.isRingAnchor()) continue;
// It's a non-branching anchor sitting on a curve - we can drop it.
if (debugDroppingUnnecessaryAnchors) print("Dropping " + anchor);
// This list will have length 2
L curves = concatLists(anchor.incomingCurves, anchor.outgoingCurves);
// Find the endpoints of the new curve (either 1 or 2 anchors)
Set anchors = concatMapToSet(curves, c -> c.anchors());
if (debugDroppingUnnecessaryAnchors) printVarsInMultipleLines(+curves, +anchors);
// Collect points for merged curve
// Process curve 1, optionally reverse it so it does NOT start at the middle anchor
Curve curve1 = first(curves);
L points1 = curve1.path.pointList();
if (eq(first(points1), anchor.pt)) reverseInPlace(points1);
// Process curve 2, optionally reverse it so it DOES start at the middle anchor
Curve curve2 = second(curves);
L points2 = curve2.path.pointList();
if (!eq(first(points2), anchor.pt)) reverseInPlace(points2);
// Drop overlapping point, append points2 to points1
assertEquals(anchor.pt, popLast(points1));
L points = points1;
addAll(points, points2);
Anchor anchor1 = assertNotNull(anchorMap.get(first(points)));
Anchor anchor2 = assertNotNull(anchorMap.get(last(points)));
if (debugDroppingUnnecessaryAnchors) printVarsInMultipleLines(+anchor, +anchor1, +anchor2);
addCurve(new Curve(anchor1, anchor2, points));
ret l(anchorMap) < n;
void addCurve(Curve curve) {
// Internal structure sanity check
void checkArities {
new MultiMap outgoing;
new MultiMap incoming;
for (Curve curve : curves) {
outgoing.add(curve.start, curve);
if (!anchorMap.containsKey(curve.start.pt))
fail("Start of curve not found: " + curve);
incoming.add(curve.end, curve);
if (!anchorMap.containsKey(curve.end.pt))
fail("End of curve not found: " + curve);
for (Anchor anchor : anchors()) {
assertSetEquals(anchor + " outgoing", outgoing.get(anchor), anchor.outgoingCurves);
assertSetEquals(anchor + " incoming", incoming.get(anchor), anchor.incomingCurves);