srecord noeq G22RegionThinner_v2(IImageRegion originalRegion) is Steppable { Rect bounds; IImageRegion region; bool phase1done; settable bool debug; settable bool doFinalStep = true; settable int lastPhaseThreshold1 = 2; settable int lastPhaseThreshold = 5; // 0 = outside of region // 1 = inner pixel // 2 = border pixel // index is in bounds coordinates byte[] pixels; int idx(int x, int y) { ret (y-bounds.y)*bounds.w+x-bounds.x; } int idx(Pt p) { ret idx(p.x, p.y); } Pt idxToPt(int idx) { ret pt(bounds.x+(idx % bounds.w), bounds.y+idx/bounds.w); } byte getPixel(Pt p) { ret !containsPt(bounds, p) ? 0 : pixels[idx(p)]; } byte getPixel(int x, int y) { ret !containsPt(bounds, x, y) ? 0 : pixels[idx(x, y)]; } bool contains(int x, int y) { ret getPixel(x, y) != 0; } bool clearPixel(int x, int y) { if (!region.contains(x, y)) false; pixels[idx(x, y)] = 0; true; } void init { if (bounds != null) ret; bounds = originalRegion.bounds(); pixels = new byte[area(bounds)]; for (Pt p : originalRegion.pixelIterator()) pixels[idx(p.x, p.y)] = 1; region = new ThinnedRegion; } class ThinnedRegion is IImageRegion { public Img image() { ret originalRegion.image(); } public Rect bounds() { ret bounds; } public bool contains(int x, int y) { ret containsPt(bounds, x, y) && pixels[idx(x, y)] > 0; } public ItIt pixelIterator() { ret iff_null(new IF0 { int idx = 0; public Pt get() { for (; idx < pixels.length; idx++) if (pixels[idx] > 0) ret idxToPt(idx++); null; } }); } } public bool step() { init(); if (phase1done) ret finalStep(); L traces = g22_allBorderTraces_withDiagonals(region); for (points : traces) for (p : points) pixels[idx(p)] = 2; new PtBuffer toDelete; for (points : traces) { int nPoints = l(points); BitSet deletable = emptyBitSet(nPoints); for i to nPoints: { ping(); if (deletableBorderPoint(points, i)) deletable.set(i); } // handle special cases for i to nPoints: if (cyclicGet(deletable, nPoints, i-1) && !deletable.get(i) && cyclicGet(deletable, nPoints, i+1)) { Pt p = points.get(i); Pt prev = ptMinus(cyclicGet(points, i-1), p); Pt next = ptMinus(cyclicGet(points, i+1), p); int dir1 = onePathLookupDirection(prev); int dir2 = onePathLookupDirection(next); int diff = mod(dir2-dir1, 8); if (debug) printVars("special case", +p, +prev, +next, +dir1, +dir2, +diff); if (diff == 1 || diff == 7) deletable.set(i); } for i to nPoints: if (deletable.get(i)) toDelete.add(points.get(i)); } for (p : toDelete) pixels[idx(p)] = 0; if (empty(toDelete)) set phase1done; true; } bool deletableBorderPoint(PtBuffer points, int i) { L range = cyclicSubList_incl(points, i-3, i+3); Pt p = points.get(i); // special case if (eq(range.get(1), p) || eq(range.get(5), p)) false; int surroundingBorderPixels = 0, surroundingInnerPixels = 0; for (int dir = 1; dir <= 8; dir++) { Pt p2 = ptPlus(p, onePathDirection(dir)); byte value = getPixel(p2); if (value == 2 && !range.contains(p2)) surroundingBorderPixels++; else if (value == 1) surroundingInnerPixels++; } bool deletable = surroundingInnerPixels > 0 && surroundingBorderPixels == 0; printVars ifdef G22RegionThinner_debug(+p, +surroundingInnerPixels, +surroundingBorderPixels, +deletable, +range); ret deletable; } IImageRegion region aka get() { ret or(region, originalRegion); } // go from 2 pixels wide to 1 pixel wide (TODO) bool finalStep() { if (!doFinalStep) false; bool change; int x1 = bounds.x, x2 = bounds.x2(); int y1 = bounds.y, y2 = bounds.y2(); printVars ifdef G22RegionThinner_lastPhase_debug("finalStep", +x1, +y1, +x2, +y2); for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) { // need a set pixel if (!contains(x, y)) continue; // check if this pixel is essential to hold the structure // together by doing a floodfill in the 3x3 neighborhood // (simulating the pixel being cleared already) reMutable x; reMutable y; var bwImage = bwImageFromFunction(3, (xx, yy) -> (xx != 1 || yy != 1) && contains(x+xx-1, y+yy-1) ? 0 : 1); FastRegions_BWImage regionMaker = new(bwImage); regionMaker.withDiagonals(true);; // get all the black regions out of the 3x3 image var regions = regionMaker.regions(); regions = filter(regions, r -> r.brightness() == 0); bool delete = false; int pixels = 0; // no regions? it's a lonely pixel - keep it if (empty(regions)) {} else if (l(regions) == 1) { // one region pixels = first(regions).numberOfPixels(); // if it's only one or two pixels, we are at the end of a line - keep if (pixels <= lastPhaseThreshold1) delete = false; else { // delete pixel if the region is small, but not too small // (lastPhaseThreshold is 5 by default) if (pixels < lastPhaseThreshold) delete = true; else if (pixels == lastPhaseThreshold) { // if it's exactly 5 pixels, check out how far // the region "surrounds" the pixel (does it touch 2 or 3 sides?) // delete pixel if it is not surrounded int sides = 4-(int) (bwImage.getFloatPixel(1, 0) + bwImage.getFloatPixel(0, 1) + bwImage.getFloatPixel(2, 1) + bwImage.getFloatPixel(1, 2)); delete = sides < 3; } } } else // we have more than one region - pixel was // structurally important, keep it {} printVars ifdef G22RegionThinner_lastPhase_debug( +x, +y, bwImage := escapeNewLines(bwImageToString(bwImage)), regions := l(regions), +pixels, +delete); if (delete) change |= clearPixel(x, y); } ret change; } }