// has a rectangular window (visionW*visionH)
// walking range per frame is a circle with radius "range"
asclass G22Walker {
// configuration (set)
int range = 1; // how far we can walk in each frame
double roundingPolicy = .9; // for making the range circle (between 0 and 1)
int visionW = 3, visionH = 3; // window rectangle size (both should be odd)
// current position (set/get)
Pt position; // current position (center), not null
// status variables (read)
bool stuck; // can neither stay nor move anywhere for some reason
int guessWork; // how many "optimal" new positions we chose from
void move(Img image) {
stuck = false;
guessWork = 0;
// How far can I move until I hit the image's borders
Rect movement1 = rectFromPoints(visionW/2, visionH/2,
image.getWidth()-(visionW+1)/2, (visionH+1)/2);
// How far can I walk in one frame
Rect movement2 = rectAroundPt(position, range*2+1);
Rect movement = intersectRects(movement1, movement2);
if (empty(movement)) ret with set stuck;
printVars(+movement, +movement1, +movement2);
if (hasRememberedImage())
ret with rememberImage(image);
Rect r = window_uncropped();
new MultiBest bestPositions;
int mx1 = movement.x1(), mx2 = movement.x2();
int my1 = movement.y1(), my2 = movement.y2();
for (int y = my1; y < my2; y++)
for (int x = mx1; x < mx2; x++) {
var newPos = pt(x, y);
bestPositions.put(newPos, scorePosition(newPos, image));
var best = bestPositions!;
guessWork = l(best);
position = random(best);
// It's actually a question how often we grab a fresh image.
// For now, every time.
// only works when we already have a rememberedImage
abstract double scorePosition(Pt pos, Img image);
abstract void rememberImage(Img image);
abstract bool hasRememberedImage();
int visionX1() { ret position.x-visionW; }
int visionY1() { ret position.y-visionH; }
Rect window_uncropped(Pt center default position) {
ret rectAroundPt(center, visionW, visionH);