interface IImageRegion extends INumberOfPixels, IPixelSet {
// smallest rectangle that all of the region's pixels are contained in
public Rect bounds();
public ItIt pixelIterator();
public bool contains(int x, int y);
// get whole image that the region refers to
public default Img image() { null; }
// which object made this
public default O creator() { null; }
public default int indexInCreator() { ret 0; }
// was diagonal walking enabled?
public default Bool createdWithDiagonals() { null; }
public default int numberOfPixels aka nPixels() { ret l(pixelIterator()); }
public default Pt firstPixel() { ret first(pixelIterator()); }
// gets the region's color (what exactly this means is defined
// by the creator of this object)
public default Color color() { null; }
public default int brightness() { ret -1; }
public default OnePathWithOrigin outline() {
ret g22_regionOutline(this);
default Image2B toImage2B() { ret new RegionToImage2B(this)!; }
default int[] pixelsAsIntArray() { throw unimplemented(); }
default IPixelSet pixelSet() { this; }