// should return outer outline first and then outline of holes // (without a separator) scope regionBorder_innerPoints. static Pt[] #directions = { pt(1, 0), pt(0, 1), pt(-1, 0), pt(0, -1) // r, d, l, u }; static L regionBorder_innerPoints(BWImage_FastRegions regions, int iRegion) { new PtBuffer out; int w = regions.w; var it = regions.regionIterator(iRegion); new BitSet seen; while (it.next()) { int x = it.x(), y = it.y(); // is it a border pixel? if (regions.inRegion(iRegion, x, y-1) && regions.inRegion(iRegion, x-1, y) && regions.inRegion(iRegion, x+1, y) && regions.inRegion(iRegion, x, y+1)) continue; //print("border pixel: " + x + "/" + y); int dir = 3; // start with direction up (any direction should do) loop: while (true) { int pos = y*w+x; if (seen.get(pos)) break; seen.set(pos); out.add(x, y); for (int turn = 3; turn <= 6; turn++) { // try left, straight, right, back int newDir = (dir+turn) & 3; Pt d = directions[newDir]; int x2 = x+d.x, y2 = y+d.y; if (regions.inRegion(iRegion, x2, y2)) { x = x2; y = y2; dir = newDir; continue loop; } } // if we get here, the region is just 1 pixel (so we're done) break; } } ret out; }