// WELCOME!! This is THE PROGRAM YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. // Latest development version: #1033860 !7 // INCLUDE THE MAIN MODULE !include early #1033683 // Gazelle Screen Cam replace MainModule with GazelleScreenCam. !include early #1033540 // include GazelleHost early for flags like PingV3 //set flag InCore. set flag NoJavaXJar. sS windowTitle = "Gazelle 22"; sS progIDForDBAndAutoUpdate = #1033636; sbool pingSourceStrictMode; static GazelleHost host; static MainModule client; static ThreadPool threadPool; p { loadableUtils.utils.__setJavaX(main.class); standaloneInit(); ping_v3_setPingSourceMaker(-> { System.out.println("pingSourceMaker"); if (pingSourceStrictMode) fail("Strict mode - make a ping source first!!"); ret new PingSource(threadPool, "legacy"); }); threadPool = new ThreadPool(findIntArg cores(args, numberOfCores())); print(threadPool); //threadPool.verbose = true; PingSource ps = new(threadPool, print("Starting Gazelle")); ps.do(-> { System.out.println("Pinging"); ping(); //if (true) fail("error test"); print("Pinged"); programID = progIDForDBAndAutoUpdate; if (cic(args, "delete-session")) { print("Deleting session (" + programDir(programID) + ")"); clearConceptsOf(programID); } host = new GazelleHost(threadPool, -> { ret client = new MainModule; }); host.windowTitle = windowTitle; host.run(args); if (!cic(args, "console")) { print("Stopping System.out"); printAlsoToSystemOut = false; } }); print("aha."); } static Map generalMap = syncMap();