!7 cm UltrafaST > DynWebServee { @Override O html(IWebRequest req) { try object redirectToHTTPS(req); if (eq(req.uri(), "/favicon.ico")) ret serveFavIcon(gazelleFavIconSnippet()); if (eq(req.uri(), "/")) ret hhtml( hhead_title("Ultrafa.st - Ultrafast Recognition") + hsansserif() + hbody(hfullcenter( h1("Ultrafa.st - Ultrafast Image/Audio Recognition") + p(himgsnippet(#1103002, width := "500")) + p(joinWithBR( "IDEA:", "Using the power of " + b("integral images") + ", we recognize things faster than anyone else.", "It's a new family of algorithms being developed by " + targetBlank("https://BotCompany.de", "Stefan Reich") + " at " + ahref("https://gazelle.rocks", "Gaz.AI") + ".")) + h3("News") + mapToLines p( targetBlank("https://agi.topicbox.com/groups/agi/T8ca0db34fc106b16/image-recognizers-should-return-mathematical-proofs", "Image recognizers should return mathematical proofs") + " [2021/9/10]", targetBlank("https://agi.topicbox.com/groups/agi/T2771ec3238f217fa/gazelle-looks-at-its-own-logo-and-paints-it-red", "Gazelle looks at its own logo and paints it red") + " [2021/8/20]" ) ))); ret subBot_serve404("Four oh four dude. Your URL f*cked"); } }