// see https://jsfiddle.net/stefanreich/yLcus69t/4/ sclass HTMLGauge { S internalID = aRandomID(); S id = "gauge-" + internalID; S varName = "gauge_" + internalID; // add params for the div here like style or class new MapSO divParams; // shared with all gauges S headStuff() { ret [[ ]]; } S htmlAndJS() { ret makeDiv() + hjs(js()); } S makeDiv() { ret div("", paramsPlus(divParams, +id)); } S js() { ret replaceDollarVars2([[ var ${varName}_gaugeOptions = { chart: { type: 'solidgauge' }, title: null, pane: { center: ['50%', '85%'], size: '140%', startAngle: -90, endAngle: 90, background: { backgroundColor: Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.backgroundColor || '#EEE', innerRadius: '60%', outerRadius: '100%', shape: 'arc' } }, // the value axis yAxis: { stops: [ [0.6, '#55BF3B'], // green [0.75, '#DDDF0D'], // yellow [0.85, '#DF5353'] // red ], lineWidth: 0, tickWidth: 0, minorTickInterval: null, tickAmount: 2, title: { y: -70 }, labels: { y: 16 } }, plotOptions: { solidgauge: { dataLabels: { y: 5, borderWidth: 0, useHTML: true } } } }; var $varName = Highcharts.chart('$id', Highcharts.merge(${varName}_gaugeOptions, { yAxis: { min: 0, max: 200, title: { text: 'RAM' } }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'RAM used', data: [80], dataLabels: { format: '