// runnable: function($) function dynamicallyLoadJQuery(runnable) { console.log("document.jQuery: " + document.jQuery); console.log("$: " + $); if (document.jQuery != null) jQuery(document).ready(runnable); else if (typeof $ !== 'undefined') $(document).ready(runnable); else { console.log("need to load jquery"); var script = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); script.src = 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js'; script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.onload = function() { console.log("jquery loaded"); jQuery(document).ready(runnable); }; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); } } var chatBot_autoOpen = #AUTOOPEN#; var chatBot_n = #N#; var chatBot_interval = 1000; var chatBot_nInitial = chatBot_n; var chatBot_showActions = false; var chatBot_language = ""; var chatBot_started = false; var chatBot_cookie = localStorage.getItem('chatbot-cookie'); // polyfill for URLSearchParams (function (w) { w.URLSearchParams = w.URLSearchParams || function (searchString) { var self = this; self.searchString = searchString; self.get = function (name) { var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(self.searchString); if (results == null) { return null; } else { return decodeURI(results[1]) || 0; } }; } })(window); const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const botEnable = urlParams.get('bot'); // allow cookie override in URL var cookie2 = urlParams.get('cookie'); if (cookie2) { chatBot_cookie = cookie2; console.log("Cookie override >> " + cookie2); } if (#BOT_ON# || botEnable == "1") { console.log("cookie 1: " + chatBot_cookie); if (!chatBot_cookie) { chatBot_cookie = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); localStorage.setItem('chatbot-cookie', chatBot_cookie); console.log("cookie 2: " + chatBot_cookie); } // workaround to get $ from wordpress version of jQuery dynamicallyLoadJQuery(function ($) { console.log("loading 2"); function dynamicallyLoadScript(url) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; document.head.appendChild(script); } function loadStyleSheet(url, onLoad) { var link = document.createElement('link'); link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); link.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); link.onload = onLoad; link.setAttribute("href", url); document.head.appendChild(link); } // load fonts & style sheets loadStyleSheet("https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.13.0/css/all.min.css"); loadStyleSheet("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@400;500;600;700;800&display=swap"); var shouldOpenBot = false, styleSheetLoaded = false; // bot styles loadStyleSheet("https://botcompany.de/serve/#CSS_ID#?ct=text%2Fcss", function() { if (!styleSheetLoaded) { console.log("style sheet loaded"); styleSheetLoaded = true; if (shouldOpenBot) chatBot_actualOpen(); } }); // scripts for bot window.chatBot_toggle = function() { const chatCommentIcon = document.querySelector(".chat-btn .comment-icon"); const chatCloseIcon = document.querySelector(".chat-btn .close-icon"); if (chatCloseIcon.classList.contains("hide")) { chatCommentIcon.classList.add("hide"); chatCloseIcon.classList.remove("hide"); chatBot_open(); } else { chatCloseIcon.classList.add("hide"); chatCommentIcon .classList.remove("hide"); $('.chat').removeClass('is-visible'); } } function chatBot_open() { shouldOpenBot = true; if (styleSheetLoaded) chatBot_actualOpen(); } function chatBot_actualOpen() { console.log("Opening chat bot"); $('.chat').addClass('is-visible'); $('#chat_message').focus(); if (!chatBot_started) { chatBot_started = true; try { if (window.GTranslateGetCurrentLang) chatBot_language = window.GTranslateGetCurrentLang(); console.log("lang: " + chatBot_language); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } chatBot_start(); } } function chatBot_showAction(action) { if (chatBot_showActions) { $("#actionMsg").html(action); $("#actionMsg").show(); } console.log(action); } window.chatBot_appendAction = function(action) { if (chatBot_showActions) { $("#actionMsg").append(" | " + action); $("#actionMsg").show(); } }; window.chatBot_hideAction = function() { $("#actionMsg").hide(); $("#actionMsg").html(""); }; window.chatBot_start = function() { url = "#INCREMENTALURL#"; if (url != '' && url != ("#INC" + "REMENTALURL#")) { url += chatBot_n + "&cookie=" + chatBot_cookie + "&rand=" + Math.random(); if (chatBot_language) url += "&language_default=" + chatBot_language; chatBot_showAction("Loading " + url); $.get(url, function(src) { chatBot_showAction("Loaded " + src.length + " chars"); var match = src.match(/\d+/); if (match != null) { var newN = parseInt(match[0]); if (src.match(/NEW DIALOG -->/)) $("#chat_converse").html(src); else { // hide old buttons $(".chat_buttons, .chat-button-span, .chatbot-choice-button").hide(); $("#chat_converse").append(src); } var oldN = chatBot_n; chatBot_n = newN; $("#chat_converse").scrollTop(1000000); chatBot_showAction("Appended " + src.length); console.log(src); //if (oldN != 0 && newN > oldN) window.playChatNotification(); } else chatBot_showAction("chatBot_n=" + chatBot_n + " (initial=" + chatBot_nInitial + ")"); chatBot_appendAction("Rescheduling"); //var interval = src == '' ? chatBot_interval*10 : chatBot_interval; // slowdown when bug var interval = chatBot_interval; setTimeout(chatBot_start, interval); chatBot_appendAction("Rescheduled"); }, 'text') .fail(function() { chatBot_showAction("Rescheduling after fail"); setTimeout(chatBot_start, chatBot_interval); }); } }; // also focuses input field window.chatBot_setInput = function(text, placeholder) { if (placeholder == '') placeholder = "Type a message..."; $('#chat_message').attr('placeholder', placeholder) .val(text) .select() .focus(); }; window.allowEmptyMsg = false; window.submitAMsg = function(msg) { if (!window.allowEmptyMsg && msg == "") return; chat_message.value = msg; submitMsg(); }; window.submitMsg = function() { /*if (chat_message.value == 'new dialog') document.forms['msgform'].submit(); else*/ { url = '#MSGURL#' + encodeURIComponent(chat_message.value) + "&cookie=" + chatBot_cookie + "&rand=" + Math.random(); if (chatBot_language) url += "&language_default=" + chatBot_language; chatBot_showAction('Submitting ' + url); $.get(url); chat_message.value = ''; } }; window.playChatNotification = function() { if (window.chatNotificationWav == null) { console.log("Loading notification wav"); window.chatNotificationWav = new Audio("https://botcompany.de/files/1400403/notification.mp3"); if ("#WORKERMODE" != "true") window.chatNotificationWav.volume = 0.5; } console.log("Playing notification mp3"); window.chatNotificationWav.play(); }; var originalTitle; window.setTitleStatus = function(status) { if (originalTitle == null) originalTitle = document.title; if (!document.hasFocus() || document.activeElement !== document.getElementById('chat_message')) { if (status) status = status + " "; } else status = ""; document.title = status + originalTitle; }; function resetTitle() { window.setTitleStatus(""); } window.onfocus = resetTitle; $('#chat_message').on("focus", resetTitle); var sendTyping_sent = 0, sendTyping_interval = 5000; window.sendTyping = function() { var time = Date.now(); if (time > sendTyping_sent+sendTyping_interval) { sendTyping_sent = time; var url = "#TYPINGURL#&cookie=" + chatBot_cookie + "&rand=" + Math.random(); console.log("Loading " + url); $.get(url); } }; var typingCounter = 0, showTyping_interval = 5000; window.showTyping = function() { console.log("showTyping " + typingCounter); typingCounter++; if (typingCounter == 1) $('#otherSideTyping').css('display', 'block'); setTimeout(function() { console.log("showTyping end " + typingCounter); if (--typingCounter <= 0) $('#otherSideTyping').css('display', 'none'); }, showTyping_interval); }; console.log("defined functions"); $('body').append(`

Chat window


`); // design javascripts /*$('.chat-icon').click(function() { chatBot_open(); });*/ // for skip link $("a[href='#chatbot']").click(chatBot_open); // design javascripts end //MOREINIT console.log("done init"); // onLoad if (chatBot_autoOpen) { console.log("auto-opening chat bot"); //window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', chatBot_open, false); chatBot_open(); } // end of bot scripts }); } // if botEnable