stores pages with a name which is an arbitrary string. The pages are also called "concepts". The page's name is also called its "q" (for query/question). A page's name may be abbreviated in display, usually after 140 characters. The "ScoredSearch results" section is using the ScoredSearch class on page names with a maximum of 50 results. ScoredSearch splits the search query at spaces and or-s the resulting pieces. You can use "_" in ScoredSearch to indicate an random character. "Literal search" means looking for an exact substring in the page name (case-insensitive, as always). The standard link to an concept page (if the q is of reasonable size) is We should add a way to link to a page with an unusually long name using a hash value. has a query language called ALQL (A Little Query Language). More about ALQL: #1024274