
cmodule eeZee > DynDiscordHopper {
  switchable S httpURL = "https://55392290.ngrok.io";
  switchable S serverName;
  switchable S prefix = "<@599426196647706645> ";
  transient double sendTypingAfter = 6.0;

  L<Long> authorizedUsers = ll(463778175432785932, 547706854680297473);
  transient NotTooOften ntoError = notTooOften_1min();
  @Override S answer(S input, Map map) {
    try answer super.answer(input, map);
    setField(prefix := "<@" + gazelle_selfUserID() + "> ");
    //setField(httpURL := or2(loadProgramTextFile("http-url"), httpURL));
    new Matches m;
    long userID = getLong userID(map);
    print("User ID: " + userID);
    if (eqic(input, "hey " + trim(prefix)))
      ret "hey";
    if (swic_trim(input, prefix + "add master ", m)) {
      if (!contains(authorizedUsers, userID))
        ret "You are not my master";
      add(authorizedUsers, parseFirstLong(m.rest()));
      ret "Okidoki. Have " + n2(l(authorizedUsers), "master");
    S simplified = simpleSpaces_noTok(input);
    if (swic_trim(simplified, prefix + "set url ", m)) {
      print("Setting URL");
      if (!contains(authorizedUsers, userID))
        ret "You are not my master";
      S s = m.rest();
      if (neq(s, "disabled") && !contains(s, ".")) ret "Invalid URL";

      setField(httpURL := s);
      saveProgramTextFile("http-url", httpURL);
      ret "URL set to " + httpURL + ", master";
    if (swic_trim(simplified, prefix + "get url", m)) {
      if (!contains(authorizedUsers, userID))
        ret "You are not my master";
      ret "URL is: " + backtickQuote(httpURL);
    long time = sysNow();
    S s;
    if (eqic(httpURL, "disabled")) null;
    try {
      temp doAfterSecondsIfStillRunning(sendTypingAfter, r { iAmTyping(map) });
      s = loadPageWithTimeout(60.0, httpURL + hquery(
        message := input,
        channelID := map.get('channelID),
        msgID := map.get('msgID)));

      print("Got " + (s == null ? "timeout" : nChars(s)) + " in " + elapsedSeconds(time) + " s");
      ret s;
    } catch e {
      if (!ntoError.yo()) null;
      S str = exceptionToStringShort(e);
      if (cicOneOf(str, "Server returned HTTP response code: 502",
        "Server code 500",
        "FileNotFoundException", "SocketTimeoutException")) // rough
        ret null with print("Bot is offline (500/502/404/timeout, " + elapsedSeconds(time) + " s): " + str);
      ret "Error: " + shorten(100, str);
  start {
    dm_setModuleName(serverName + " - eeZee");
    dm_vmBus_onMessage_q discordGuildJoin(voidfunc(Map map) {
      ret unless map.get('module) == module();
      S name = "?";
      pcall {
        name = rcall_string getName(rcall getUser(rcall getMember(map.get('event))));
      print("Got join, forwarding. Name: " + name);
      print(loadPageWithTimeout(60.0, httpURL + hquery(
        event := 'join,
        userName := name,
        userID := getLong userID(map)