sbool isYes_1(S s) { ret match_vbar("accept|except|save|definitely|and if it is|is if it is right|is this|right|enter|submit|send|you got it|close enough|that it is|bingo|confirm|confirming|confirmed|i said yes|it is|surely|is this the man|guess my man|just|sieve|yesterday's", s) || matchStart_vbar("yes|yeah|yep|yup|yo|yay|absolutely|correct|you can say that|chore|shore|shorts|sure|is yes|okay|ok|that's correct|you are right|you're right|you're correct|you just said it", s) || matchEnd_vbar("that's right|got it|could say that|could say so|that's it|couldn't be anything else", s); }