!7 p-exp { File profile = mozillaDefaultProfileDir(); if (profile == null) ret with print("No default Mozilla profile found"); Map data = cast decodeMozillaJSONLZ4File(newFile(profile, "sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4")); if (data == null) ret with print("No session found"); //pnlStruct(data); int iWindow = 0; for (Map window : unnull((L) data.get("windows"))) { print("\nWindow " + (++iWindow)); print(keys(window)); print("selected: " + window.get("selected")); for (Map tab : unnull((L) window.get("tabs"))) { print(keys(tab)); print(tab.get("attributes")); int index = toInt(tab.get("index"))-1; L entries = cast tab.get("entries"); //print("entries: " + l(entries) + ", index=" + index); //printStruct(tab); Map entry = entries.get(index); //printStruct(entry); S title = cast entry.get("title"); S url = cast entry.get("url"); print(title); print(" " + url); } } }