// shuffledIterator()
// -iterates over a list in random order
// -each element is returned exactly once if you iterate to the end
// -efficient no matter how many elements you want
// -can handle null elements
// (whether it's very few, half of the list or almost all elements)
static IterableIterator shuffledIterator(L l) {
ret new IterableIterator() {
int n = l(l);
int i = 0;
new HashMap shuffled;
public bool hasNext() { ret i < n; }
public A next() {
int j = random(i, n);
A a = get(i), b = get(j);
shuffled.put(j, a);
ret b;
A get(int i) {
// must call containsKey first because of possible null elements
ret shuffled.containsKey(i) ? shuffled.get(i) : l.get(i);