!7 lib 1400106 lib 1400107 lib 1400108 lib 1400110 lib 1400111 import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; p { //System.setProperty("freetts.voices", "de.dfki.lt.freetts.en.us.MbrolaVoiceDirectory"); // Most important part! System.setProperty("mbrola.base", f2s(userDir("dev/mbrola"))); VoiceManager freettsVM = VoiceManager.getInstance(); for (S voice : ll("us1", "us2", "us3")) { print("Trying voice " + voice); S words = "Hello there! Now M BROLA and Free T T S work together!"; Voice freettsVoice; // Simply change to MBROLA voice freettsVoice = freettsVM.getVoice("mbrola_" + voice); // Allocate your chosen voice freettsVoice.allocate(); // Make her speak! freettsVoice.speak(words); freettsVoice.deallocate(); } }