set flag AllPublic. lib 1013739 import processing.core.*; static Pair pMain2(final Class c) { ret swing(func -> Pair { A a = nuInstance(c); Frame f = pMain2_runSketch(null, a); clearThreadLocal(PApplet2_instancesMade); ret pair(a, f); }); } static PApplet2 pMain2() { ret pMain2(mc()); } static Frame pMain2_runSketch(final String[] args, final PApplet constructedSketch) { // Supposed to help with flicker, but no effect on OS X. // TODO IIRC this helped on Windows, but need to double check. System.setProperty("sun.awt.noerasebackground", "true"); // Remove 60fps limit on the JavaFX "pulse" timer System.setProperty("javafx.animation.fullspeed", "true"); // Doesn't seem to do anything helpful here (that can't be done via Runner) //System.setProperty("", "potato"); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); uncaughtThrowable = e; } }); // This doesn't work, need to mess with Info.plist instead /* // In an exported application, add the Contents/Java folder to the // java.library.path, so that native libraries work properly. // Without this, the library path is only set to Contents/MacOS // where the launcher binary lives. if (platform == MACOSX) { URL coreJarURL = PApplet.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); // The jarPath from above will/may be URL encoded (%20 for spaces) String coreJarPath = urlDecode(coreJarURL.getPath()); if (coreJarPath.endsWith("/Contents/Java/core.jar")) { // remove the /core.jar part from the end String javaPath = coreJarPath.substring(0, coreJarPath.length() - 9); String libraryPath = System.getProperty("java.library.path"); libraryPath += File.pathSeparator + javaPath; System.setProperty("java.library.path", libraryPath); } } */ // Catch any HeadlessException to provide more useful feedback try { // Call validate() while resize events are in progress Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().setDynamicLayout(true); } catch (HeadlessException e) { System.err.println("Cannot run sketch without a display. Read this for possible solutions:"); System.err.println(""); System.exit(1); } // So that the system proxy setting are used by default System.setProperty("", "true"); if (args.length < 1) { System.err.println("Usage: PApplet [options] [sketch args]"); System.err.println("See the Javadoc for PApplet for an explanation."); System.exit(1); } boolean external = false; int[] location = null; int[] editorLocation = null; String name = null; int windowColor = 0; int stopColor = 0xff808080; boolean hideStop = false; int displayNum = -1; // use default // boolean fullScreen = false; boolean present = false; // boolean spanDisplays = false; int density = -1; String param = null, value = null; String folder = calcSketchPath(); int argIndex = 0; while (argIndex < args.length) { int equals = args[argIndex].indexOf('='); if (equals != -1) { param = args[argIndex].substring(0, equals); value = args[argIndex].substring(equals + 1); if (param.equals(ARGS_EDITOR_LOCATION)) { external = true; editorLocation = parseInt(split(value, ',')); } else if (param.equals(ARGS_DISPLAY)) { displayNum = parseInt(value, -1); if (displayNum == -1) { System.err.println("Could not parse " + value + " for " + ARGS_DISPLAY); } } else if (param.equals(ARGS_WINDOW_COLOR)) { if (value.charAt(0) == '#' && value.length() == 7) { value = value.substring(1); windowColor = 0xff000000 | Integer.parseInt(value, 16); } else { System.err.println(ARGS_WINDOW_COLOR + " should be a # followed by six digits"); } } else if (param.equals(ARGS_STOP_COLOR)) { if (value.charAt(0) == '#' && value.length() == 7) { value = value.substring(1); stopColor = 0xff000000 | Integer.parseInt(value, 16); } else { System.err.println(ARGS_STOP_COLOR + " should be a # followed by six digits"); } } else if (param.equals(ARGS_SKETCH_FOLDER)) { folder = value; } else if (param.equals(ARGS_LOCATION)) { location = parseInt(split(value, ',')); } else if (param.equals(ARGS_DENSITY)) { density = parseInt(value, -1); if (density == -1) { System.err.println("Could not parse " + value + " for " + ARGS_DENSITY); } else if (density != 1 && density != 2) { density = -1; System.err.println(ARGS_DENSITY + " should be 1 or 2"); } } } else { if (args[argIndex].equals(ARGS_PRESENT)) { present = true; // } else if (args[argIndex].equals(ARGS_SPAN_DISPLAYS)) { // spanDisplays = true; } else if (args[argIndex].equals(ARGS_HIDE_STOP)) { hideStop = true; } else if (args[argIndex].equals(ARGS_EXTERNAL)) { external = true; } else { name = args[argIndex]; break; // because of break, argIndex won't increment again } } argIndex++; } // // Now that sketch path is passed in args after the sketch name // // it's not set in the above loop(the above loop breaks after // // finding sketch name). So setting sketch path here. // // // // TODO this is a hack added for PDE X and needs to be removed [fry 141104] // for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { // if (args[i].startsWith(ARGS_SKETCH_FOLDER)){ // folder = args[i].substring(args[i].indexOf('=') + 1); // } // } final PApplet sketch; if (constructedSketch != null) { sketch = constructedSketch; } else { try { Class c = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(name); sketch = (PApplet) c.newInstance(); } catch (RuntimeException re) { // Don't re-package runtime exceptions throw re; } catch (Exception e) { // Package non-runtime exceptions so we can throw them freely throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (platform == MACOSX) { try { final String td = "processing.core.ThinkDifferent"; Class thinkDifferent = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(td); Method method = thinkDifferent.getMethod("init", new Class[] { PApplet.class }); method.invoke(null, new Object[] { sketch }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // That's unfortunate } } // Set the suggested display that's coming from the command line // (and most likely, from the PDE's preference setting). sketch.display = displayNum; // Set the suggested density that is coming from command line // (most likely set from the PDE based on a system DPI scaling) sketch.suggestedDensity = density; sketch.present = present; // For 3.0.1, moved this above handleSettings() so that loadImage() can be // used inside settings(). Sets a terrible precedent, but the alternative // of not being able to size a sketch to an image is driving people loopy. // A handful of things that need to be set before init/start. // if (folder == null) { // folder = calcSketchPath(); // } sketch.sketchPath = folder; // Don't set 'args' to a zero-length array if it should be null [3.0a8] if (args.length != argIndex + 1) { // pass everything after the class name in as args to the sketch itself // (fixed for 2.0a5, this was just subsetting by 1, which didn't skip opts) sketch.args = PApplet.subset(args, argIndex + 1); } // Call the settings() method which will give us our size() call // try { sketch.handleSettings(); // } catch (Throwable t) { // System.err.println("I think I'm gonna hurl"); // } //// sketch.spanDisplays = spanDisplays; // // If spanning screens, that means we're also full screen. //// fullScreen |= spanDisplays; // if (spanDisplays) { // displayIndex = SPAN; //// fullScreen = true; // } // // If the applet doesn't call for full screen, but the command line does, // // enable it. Conversely, if the command line does not, don't disable it. // // Query the applet to see if it wants to be full screen all the time. // //fullScreen |= sketch.sketchFullScreen(); // sketch.fullScreen |= fullScreen; sketch.external = external; if (windowColor != 0) { sketch.windowColor = windowColor; } final PSurface surface = sketch.initSurface(); // sketch.initSurface(windowColor, displayIndex, fullScreen, spanDisplays); /* // Wait until the applet has figured out its width. In a static mode app, // everything happens inside setup(), so this will be after setup() has // completed, and the empty draw() has set "finished" to true. while (sketch.defaultSize && !sketch.finished) { //System.out.println("default size"); try { Thread.sleep(5); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //System.out.println("interrupt"); } } */ if (present) { if (hideStop) { stopColor = 0; // they'll get the hint } surface.placePresent(stopColor); } else { surface.placeWindow(location, editorLocation); } // not always running externally when in present mode // moved above setVisible() in 3.0 alpha 11 if (sketch.external) { surface.setupExternalMessages(); } sketch.showSurface(); sketch.startSurface(); /* if (sketch.getGraphics().displayable()) { surface.setVisible(true); } //sketch.init(); surface.startThread(); */ ret frame; }