sbool ai_html_wordThoughts_showMem = true; static int ai_html_wordThoughts_searchMax = 100; static int ai_html_wordThoughts_nodesMax_default = 1000; static new ThreadLocal ai_html_wordThoughts_nodesMax; static S ai_html_wordThoughts(S selectedWord) { ret ai_html_wordThoughts(ll(selectedWord)); } static S ai_html_wordThoughts(L selectedWords) { lock aiLock(); int shrt = 80; // max length of entries shown Int oldShrt = setThreadLocal(ai_html_shortenTextForDisplay_length, shrt); try { S t = ai_html_triangle(); S selectedWord = first(selectedWords); S title = p(span(htmlencode(selectedWord), id := "title", style := "font-size: 25px") + " " + ahref(smartBot_matrixLink(selectedWord), "[Matrix]")); new Matches m; if (swic_trim(selectedWord, "[search]", m)) { int max = ai_html_wordThoughts_searchMax; L l = indexedTerms_scoredSearch(, max+1); ret title + p(l(l) > ai_html_wordThoughts_searchMax ? max + "+ search results" : n(l, "search result")) + ul(map html_encyclopediaTopic(takeFirst(max, l))); } new L nodes; int max = or(ai_html_wordThoughts_nodesMax!, ai_html_wordThoughts_nodesMax_default); Set ignoredWebs = ai_ignoredWebs(); for (S word : selectedWords) { nodes.addAll(web_nodesNotFromCertainWebs(ignoredWebs, indexedNodes(word))); if (l(nodes) >= max) break; } int realN = l(nodes); truncateList(nodes, max); L rel1 = web_dropConfirmedPossibles(web_collectBackwardRelations(nodes)); L rel2 = web_dropConfirmedPossibles(web_collectForwardRelations(nodes)); final MultiMap mm1 = orderedMultiMap(); // HTML -> web id final MultiMap mm2 = orderedMultiMap(); final MultiMap mm3 = orderedMultiMap(); for (bool invalid : ll(false, true)) { for (WebRelation r : ai_sortRelationsByImportance(ai_filterInvalid(invalid, rel2))) mm1.put(t + " " + ai_textHTML(r) + t + ai_renderNodeHTML(r.b), r.web.globalID()); for (WebRelation r : ai_sortRelationsByImportance(ai_filterInvalid(invalid, rel1))) mm2.put(ai_renderNodeHTML(r.a) + t + ai_textHTML(r) + t + ai_textHTML(r.b), r.web.globalID()); if (!invalid) for (WebNode n : nodes) if (n instanceof WebRelation) mm3.put(ai_renderNodeHTML(n/WebRelation.a) + t + ai_textHTML(n) + t + ai_textHTML(n/WebRelation.b), n.web.globalID()); } // l1 is for web stuff L l1 = ll(); Web web = ai_getWebFromTerm(selectedWord); if (web != null) { S link = ai_html_webLink(web.globalID()); bool inv = ai_isInvalidWeb(web); l1.add(inv ? "is an " + ahref(link, "invalid web") : "is a " + ahref(link, "web")); } new L lists; if (nempty(l1)) lists.add(ul(l1)); for (final MultiMap mm : ll(mm1, mm2, mm3)) lists.add(ul(map html_linkURLs( allToString( map(multiMapKeysByPopularity(mm), func(S s) { L webIDs = mm.get(s); ret s + " [" + joinWithComma(map ai_html_linkedWebWithThumbs(webIDs)) + "]"; }) )))); //long nVirtual = ai_numberOfVirtualWebs(); long mem = ai_html_wordThoughts_showMem ? memoryUsedAfterLastGC() : 0; ret title + (realN > max ? p("List truncated (" + n(realN, "total node") + ")") : "") + lines(lists) + p(n(nodes, "node") + " out of " + ahref(smartBotOfficialURL(), nWebs(ai_allWebsCount())) + (loading() ? " (LOADING)": "") //+ (nVirtual == 0 ? "" : " + " + formatWithThousandsSeparator(nVirtual) + " virtual") + (mem == 0 ? "" : ". " + toMB(mem) + " MB used. " + toM(freeSystemMemory()) + " MB free"); } finally { ai_html_shortenTextForDisplay_length.set(oldShrt); } }