!7 sS bla = [[ meuxzrhkgzofjjby - Should I stay alive? qnaeuvrncafakobl - The answer to X is yes erxlvkdlgekomlvy - The answer to X is no ]]; p { myTruth_persistent = false; myTruth(bla); injectTruthBot(); repeat with sleep 1 { double value = evalQuestionVerbose("Should I stay alive?"); if (value > -0.5) print("Staying alive."); else { print("Killing myself in 2"); sleepSeconds(2); cleanKill(); } } } static double evalQuestionVerbose(S question) { Lisp l = englishToLisp(question); double value = 0; if (lispTrueVerbose(englishToLispFormat("The answer to X is yes", l))) value = 1; if (lispTrueVerbose(englishToLispFormat("The answer to X is no", l))) value = -1; print("eval: " + question + " / " + l + " => " + formatDouble(value, 1)); ret value; } svoid injectTruthBot { bot(); } answer { if (startsWithWords(s, "inject truth:", m)) { Lisp l = englishToLisp($1); fromUser(l); ret "Injecting: " + l; } }