!7 sS script = [[ Make an empty thought space X. Assert (X is empty). Add (God is good) to X. Add (God is bad) to X. Apply always rules in X. Assert (Not (X contains CONFUSION)). Add (Always fully apply ((Y is good) and (Y is bad) => CONFUSION)) to X. Apply always rules in X. Assert (X contains CONFUSION). ]]; sS bla = [[ // concepts zivsiiacmvqrolto - True zqbbvhdeuzyhewed - False jamvyfwypzbptvle - Make an empty thought space X. matnhiruhwprdiir - Add (X) to Y. aaedrmcbfcsubkkf - Apply rule (X) to Y. bcypplfticghlkxy - Apply always rules in X. anmgnlmdnkjivliq - Always fully apply (X) txsysipmstxmjhmi - (X) and (Y) => (Z) kecvwixuouqlpzhu - (X) and (Y) => Z unfiqixlxwqnomcs - X contains Y yvmxaacduvvomgqi - X is empty wcwlqvvrpdwjzfms - X is Y rzryqdohxtczvzgn - Assert (X). wynynoujiakixjus - Not (X) chjllkocfhtwcgoj - Remove (X) ]]; p { myTruth(bla); aiStandardHandlers(); try { assertLispScriptSucceeds(print(xyzToNewIDs(script, "X"))); } finally { printThoughtSpaces(); } print("OK"); }