sbool lispMatchIC_xyzVars_debug; static Map lispMatchIC_xyzVars(Lisp pat, Lisp nl) { new Map matches; ret lispMatchIC_xyzVars_sub(pat, nl, matches) ? matches : null; } // put additional vars in m with value = null static bool lispMatchIC_xyzVars_sub(Lisp pat, Lisp nl, Map m) { if (pat == null || nl == null) ret false; if (pat.isLeaf() && (isXYZVar(pat.head) || m.containsKey(pat.head))) { if (lispMatchIC_xyzVars_debug) print("Var: " + pat.head + " => " + nl); ret lispMatchIC_xyzVars_putMatch(m, pat.head, nl); } if (neqic(pat.head, nl.head)) ret false; // heads identical, proceed to children int n = pat.size(); if (n != nl.size()) ret false; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (lispMatchIC_xyzVars_debug) print("Sub " + i + ": " + pat.get(i) + " => " + nl.get(i)); if (!lispMatchIC_xyzVars_sub(pat.get(i), nl.get(i), m)) false; } true; } static bool lispMatchIC_xyzVars_putMatch(Map matches, S key, Lisp val) { Lisp oldValue = matches.get(key); if (oldValue != null) { if (!lispEqic(oldValue, val)) false; //fail("multi-matching not implemented"); } else matches.put(key, val); true; }