!7 sS concepts = [[ ["ypnmpoezxeomgaof", "isInteger", "the JavaX function"], ["cukovmzoaabrjkad", "isQuoted", "the JavaX function"], ["vejphbmbhldbwuiw", "plus", "the JavaX function"], ["ijecnpcajbasqhgv", "bigint", "the JavaX function"], ["ghwqkbpspivlalrb", "X is the JavaX standard function called Y."], ["jcnbmtmfzktxhzyf", "X + Y"] ["mssmzemxxztdpphw", "X evaluates through Y."], ["yrxfddfomyzlqwri", "A leaf of type X evaluates through Y."], ]]; sS statements = [[ ghwqkbpspivlalrb ypnmpoezxeomgaof "isInteger" ghwqkbpspivlalrb cukovmzoaabrjkad "isQuoted" ghwqkbpspivlalrb vejphbmbhldbwuiw "plus" ghwqkbpspivlalrb ijecnpcajbasqhgv "bigint" mssmzemxxztdpphw jcnbmtmfzktxhzyf vejphbmbhldbwuiw yrxfddfomyzlqwri ypnmpoezxeomgaof ijecnpcajbasqhgv ]]; p { useConcepts(concepts); useFacts_cl(statements); printIndent(eval(parse(print("1")))); printIndent(eval(parse(print("1 + 2 + 3")))); } static Lisp parse(S s) { ret englishToLispWith(s, ll("jcnbmtmfzktxhzyf")); } static O eval(Lisp l) { ret generalLispEval(l); }