!7 static int f1(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f2(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f3(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f4(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f5(int i) { ret i*3; } static int f6(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f7(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f8(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f9(int i) { ret i*2; } static int f10(int i) { ret i*2; } p { int n = 1000000; int x = 0; //time { for i to n: x += (int) callF_uncached("f5", i); } //print(x); for rep to 100: { x = 0; time { for i to n: x += (int) callF("f5", i); } //time { for i to n: x += (int) callMC_2("f5", i); } x = 0; time { for i to n: x += (int) callMC_3("f5", i); } print(x); } }