!7 !include #1007130 // AI Game Include p { showBlunderWindow = false; pGame(); } ////////////////////////////////////// // Test AIs. Just add your own here // ////////////////////////////////////// AI > AI_BWImageCat { new BWImageCategorizer cat; new L<S> texts; static ImageSurface is; bool lax; float confidence; *() { cat.allowedDistance = 0.03f; } void go { BWImage img = autoCroppedBWImage(bwImage()); if (lax) { // mode for users of this AI (e.g. AI Game 6.2) Pair<Int, Float> x = cat.locateLax(img); confidence = x.b; submit(get(texts, x.a)); ret; } int i = cat.addImage(img); S guess = get(texts, i); S solution = submit(guess); if (nempty(solution) && empty(guess)) { listSet(texts, i, solution); bool first = is == null; is = showImage(is, shortClassName(this) + ": " + join(texts), mergeImagesHorizontally(cat.rgbImages())); if (first) { setFrameWidth(is, 600); moveToTopRightCorner(is); } } } } ////////////////// // PUZZLE MAKER // ////////////////// static Puzzle makePuzzle() { S text = randomID(1); ret new Puzzle("Enter the lowercase letter you see:", addRandomSizedBorder(renderSourceCode_1(text)), text); }