!7 p { S ip = gateway(); S url = "http://" + ip + ":7777"; S html = loadPage(url); if (containsIC(html, "Phone server")) print("Phone server running (no password)"); else if (match("No", html)) { print("Phone server running, but password-protected"); S pw = loadSecretTextFile("phone-server-password"); if (empty(pw)) print("I have no password for the server."); else { print("Trying password."); S html = loadPage(url + "/" + htmlQuery(password := pw)); if (containsIC(html, "Phone server")) print("SUCCESS: Phone server running & I have the password!"); else if (match("No", html)) print("Phone server running, but I ain't got the password."); else print("No idea what's up: " + html); } } }