!7 static int size = 33; p { repeat with ms sleep 100 { RGBImage orig = rgbShootScreen(rectAround(mousePointer(), size, size)); RGBImage img = new RGBImage(size, size, Color.gray); int radius = size/2-2; L points = circlePoints(size/2, size/2, radius); int n = l(points); float[] values = new float[n]; for i to n: values[i] = orig.getPixel(points.get(i)).getBrightness(); values = cyclicBlur(values); L minima = cyclicLocalMinima(values); for (int i : minima) rgbMarkPoint(img, points.get(i)); for (Pt p : points) img.setPixel(p, orig.getPixel(p)); alwaysOnTop(quickShowZoomedImage(img)); } }