!752 p { L lines = unnull((L) getSingleFieldFromSingletonConcept(#1006104, "RecogInfo", "lines")); S s = joinLines(lines); //print(s); int l = l(lines); lines = throwOutBadWordEntries(lines); int thrownOut = l-l(lines); print("Threw out " + n(thrownOut, "entries")); psl(asTreeSet(map(f tok_lastQuotedString, lines))); s = null; final S s2 = joinLines(lines); print("Got " + l(s2) + " chars."); byte[] gz = gzipString(s2); print("Gzipped to " + l(gz) + " bytes."); showControlButton("Upload recognition info", r-thread { S id = ntUpload("ocr-data", "Recognition info from " + computerID(), s2); showDoneAnim("Uploaded as " + id + "!"); }); print("Read through the text above to see if anything embarrassing is up there. If not, press 'Upload recognition info' to upload to public database."); }