* Download: PC, Android * All Java code is also JavaX code. No learning required, only if you want to use our awesome extensions. * Everything is super-short (if you want that). No boilerplate, ever. * All code versioned automatically on our server [see code database] * JavaX works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Android. * JavaX is FREE and OPEN SOURCE. * No installation required. Just start the jar file. * Compatible with any Java version * Every program is downloaded and run when user wants it. * Stefan just knows what Java programmers want (Java adopter since 1998 and leading member of the Java Operating System Project) * We are currently building actual A.I. in JavaX * 1500+ incredibly useful standard functions with speaking names * Despite their power, JavaX programs are typically small, baked into a single .java file (<200K) and require no libraries. * Compiling a JavaX program into Java usually takes ~2 seconds. * Loading code dynamically from the server is a one-liner
Class dynamicallyLoadedClass = hotwire("#1004022");
* Short syntax for starting threads
thread "Think Thread" { think(); }
* Reflection made REALLY easy
call(someObject, "add", someOtherObject);
set(someObject, "variable", 123);
* Many utility classes * A proper comparison function
if (eq(a, b)) { ... }
* MultiMap, MultiSet * JavaX code is PORTABLE between Java and Android (where at all possible) * Running your code on Android requires NO new app * Run your own code on Android without paying $25 for Play Store registration! * ANY Java library can be included & shipped with your program (they're automatically downloaded on demand) * Ultra-short syntax for list handling (L = List, S = String)
L list = litlist("a", "b", "c");
* Class loaders are now tamed! Everything is transparent (exactly one class loader per program). * Importing and exporting objects between class loaders is a one-liner
quickExport(foreignClass, myObject)
* Every program automatically gets a graphical console (PRINT statements work everywhere again!) * You can build your own translator to extend the language. It's easy too. * Adding keywords to the language can be a one-liner!
tok = replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "myNewKeyword", ..., ...);
* Built-in tokenizer for Java and JavaX
L tokens = javaTok("class A {}");
* Making a web server is a one-liner
* Your web server will run on your Android phone no problem! * Shortest code ever for making GUIs
showFrame(vgrid(new JTextArea, new JTextArea));
* Showing a JTable? One line.
showTable(ll(litorderedmap("Name", "John", "Last Name", "The Master")));
* Including a pretty Look&Feel ("Substance") is a one-liner
* Speech synthesis is a one-liner
kevin("This is Kevin, a FreeTTS voice.");  // Desktop
androidSayInGerman("Hallo Android User!"); // Android
* Communication between virtual machines over TCP/IP is a breeze. You can use simple matching functions for natural language. More one-liners!
p { makeBot("Listener."); }
answer { if "are you there?" ret "I'm here"; }
/* client side: */ send("Listener", "are you there");
* Lambdas
func(S s) { s + s }
* Standard list functions: map, collect, filter, ... * Coroutines are possible * And so much more!!