!759 // the up-to-date JavaX translator sclass C { // "sclass" is short for "static class" (JavaX) char c; bool output; *() {} *(char *c, bool *output) {} } sS poemID = "#1003260"; // test dialog static new L<C> script; sint i = 0; sbool fail; p { // the main program is called "p" in JavaX (for "PROGRAM", or "PUBLIC static void main") //addOutput("Hello world!\n"); // simple tester instead of loading poem from website for (E e : parsePoem(poemID)) { if (e.q != null) addInput(e.q + "\n"); else if (e.a != null) addOutput(e.a + "\n"); } loop(); } svoid loop() { printOut(); S line; while ((line = readLine()) != null) { for (char c : chars(line + "\n")) onIncomingCharacter(c); printOut(); } } svoid addOutput(S text) { for (char c : asChars(text)) script.add(new C(c, true)); } svoid addInput(S text) { for (char c : asChars(text)) script.add(new C(c, false)); } svoid onIncomingCharacter(char c) { if (fail || get(script, i) == null) charPut("?"); else { C x = get(script, i); assertFalse(x.output); if (c == x.c) { ++i; printOut(); } else { fail = true; charPut("?"); } } } svoid printOut() { while (!fail && get(script, i) != null && get(script, i).output) charPut(get(script, i++).c); charPut_flush(); }