!752 static int delay = 3000; static S jackID = "#1003169"; static S im = "I'm Jack's Identity Manager"; static O jack; p { makeBot("Jack Runner"); thread "Jack Runner" { while (licensed()) { pcall { yo(); } sleep(delay); } } } svoid yo() { S a = sendToRemoteBot(im, "Should machine * run Jack?", computerID()); if (isYes(a)) { if (jack == null) { print("Jacking."); jack = run(jackID); } } else if (jack != null) { print("Unjacking!"); cleanUp(jack); jack = null; } } synchronized answer { if (match("copy to machine *", s) || match("delete from machine *", s)) ret sendToRemoteBot(im, s); if "delete" ret sendToRemoteBot(im, "delete from machine *", computerID()); if "come" ret sendToRemoteBot(im, "copy to machine *", computerID()); }