Creation Stage: Hello. I'd like to create an AI named "TEST AI". {User wants to create AI named : "TEST AI"} [TEST AI created] I'd like this AI to be able to read english {User wants "TEST AI" to speak "English"} [TEST AI speaks english] Give my AI a nice personality {User wants "TEST AI" to be nice} [TEST AI is nice now] But I don't want it to carry on a conversation, just keep it on task {User wants to remove conversation} [TEST AI conversation removed] This bot should be able to do math, as well as know about shakesperean litterature {User wants math and shakespeare} [TEST AI given math and shakespeare] Using Stage: Quote me some shakespeare from Romeo: => "Oh Romeo, romeo, where art thou?" What do you think of my poem: "Roses are red, Violets are blue" => "How unoriginal, but good effort!"