// Logic thread static interface IEngine { public boolean yo(Native n); public void memorize(Lisp statement); public void forget(Lisp statement); } static class LThread { IEngine engine; new L statements; new SNLMatches m; // current variable assignments L ops; int opIdx; new L output; L log; *(Lisp code) { this(null, code); } *(IEngine *engine, Lisp code) { ops = snlSplitOps(code); } boolean done() { ret opIdx >= l(ops); } // returns false if failed boolean step() { Lisp code = ops.get(opIdx++); boolean ok = stepImpl(code); if (log != null) log.add((ok ? "[OK] ": "[FAIL] ") + " step " + snlFromTree(code) + " with " + structure(m)); ret ok; } void say(Lisp b) { output.add(snlApply(b, m.map)); } boolean stepImpl(Lisp code) { if (code.isic("if *", "and *", "assume *")) { Lisp a = code.get(0); Lisp b = snlApply(a, m.map); if (query(b)) ret true; // Not matched, fail if (code.isic("assume *")) say(snlToTree("assumption < failed < : < [" + snlFromTree(b) + "]")); ret false; } if (code.isic("say *", "then *")) { Lisp b = code.get(0); //print ("m: " + structure (m) + ", b: " + structure (b)); output.add(snlApply(b, m.map)); ret true; } if (code.isic("memorize *")) { if (engine != null) { Lisp b = snlApply(code.get(0), m.map); engine.memorize(b); } ret true; } if (code.isic("forget *")) { if (engine != null) { Lisp b = snlApply(code.get(0), m.map); engine.forget(b); } ret true; } // unknown code say(snlToTree("unknown < instruction < : < [" + snlFromTree(code) + "]")); ret false; } // true if succeeded, false if failed boolean run() { while (!done()) if (!step()) { print("fail"); ret false; } ret true; } boolean query(Lisp b) { // try all statements in context for (Lisp s : statements) { /* if (snlMatch2(b, s, m)) */ if (snlMatch2(s, b, new SNLMatches)) ret true; } // try the low-level engine try { if (engine != null) { Native n = new Native(b); if (engine.yo(n)) ret m.addAll(n.m); } } catch (Exception e) { if (log != null) { log.add("ERROR: " + getStackTrace(e)); print(e); } } ret false; } }