!752 // Options for smaller heap static S vmArgs = "-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:+UseG1GC"; // Homepage, Web Auth, Cookies static L seedBots = litlist("#1002213", "#1002590", "#1002157"); !include #1002576 // Web Serving !include #1002578 // Eleu Core static int webServerPort = 8081; // set to 0 for no web serving static int httpsPort = 0; // set to 0 for no https serving p { renameVM("Bot VM."); // put helper bots in this VM webInit(); if (webServerPort != 0) pcall { serveHttp(webServerPort); } if (httpsPort != 0) pcall { File keystore = secretProgramFile(programID(), "keystore.jks"); S pass = loadSecretTextFileMandatory("keystore-pass").trim(); serveHttps(httpsPort, keystore, pass); } coreInit(); for (S id : seedBots) call(getDispatcher(), "addSeedBot", id); }