!752 static Class mainBot; p { startBot("Snippet Text Bot", "#1002084"); } static S html() { ret "

These are the commands of which I know that I know them:

" + htmlTable(allQuestions()); } static L allQuestions() { L botIDs = cast get(mainBot, "botIDs"); new Set set; for (S botID : botIDs) pcall { S src = loadSnippetThroughBot(botID); set.addAll(getSupportedQuestions(src)); } ret list(set); } static S loadSnippetThroughBot(S snippetID) { S answer = sendToLocalBot("Snippet Text Bot", "what is the text of snippet *", snippetID); new Matches m; assertTrue(match("the text of snippet * is *", answer, m)); ret m.unq(1); }