html {
//ret "URI is: " + quote(subUri) + ", params are: " + structure(params);
S slackInviteUrl = "https://nlbots.slack.com/api/users.admin.invite?t=" + now()/1000; // PHP time()
S token = loadSecretTextFileMandatory("#1001925", "nlbots-slack-token").trim();
S email = params.get("email");
if (isEmpty(email))
ret hmobilefix() + htitle_h1("Get invited to Slack (nlbots.slack.com)")
+ hform(
"Your e-mail: " + hinputfield("email", "my@email.com", autofocus := "autofocus")
+ " " + hsubmit("Invite me")
, method := "POST");
S autoJoinChannels = "C0FHTG6SY,C0FHTG6UC";
Map fields = litmap(
"email", email,
"channels", autoJoinChannels,
"first_name", "",
"token", token,
"set_active", "true",
"_attempts", "1"
S data = doPost(fields, slackInviteUrl);
Map map = jsonDecodeMap(data);
if (booleanValue(map.get("ok")))
ret "OK, invitation sent to: " + email;
else if (eq(map.get("error"), "already_invited"))
ret "You have already been invited... if you think this is an error, please contact info@ai1.lol.";
ret "Sorry, error...";