!747 m { p { makeAndroid3("OK Sender Bot."); } static synchronized S answer(S s, L history) { if (match3("ok", s)) { final L _history = new ArrayList(history); thread { print("[server response to ok submit] " + sendOK(_history)); } ret ":) Will forward to server (with history)!"; } ret null; } static S sendOK(L history) { S userLine = history.get(history.size()-1); S user = "?"; S botID = getProgramID(); S computerID = getComputerID(); long date = now(); S line = format3("New entry. user line: *, date: *, user: *, botID: *, computerID: *, dialog history: *", userLine, date, user, botID, computerID, history); return sendToRemoteBot("OK Collector Bot", line); } }