// todo: actual upload !747 m { static new L<Info> informationForServer; static new L<Info> forwarded; static class Info { S text; long timeSubmitted, timeForwarded; *() {} *(S *text, long *timeSubmitted) {} } p { readLocally("informationForServer forwarded"); makeAndroid("Information forwarding android.", stringfunc { answer(s) }); } static synchronized S answer(S s) { new Matches m; if (match3("Can you forward information to the main server?", s)) return "yes"; if (match3("please forward to main server: ...", s, m)) { informationForServer.add(new Info(m.m[0], now())); saveLocally("informationForServer"); return "ok, forwarding: " + quote(m.m[0]); } if (match3("how many lines are in store?", s)) return "" + informationForServer.size(); if (match3("show me your store", s)) return structure(informationForServer); return null; } }