static class BlockDiff { public CopyBlock asCopyBlock() { return null; } public NewBlock asNewBlock () { return null; } } static class CopyBlock extends BlockDiff { int firstLine, lines; CopyBlock(int firstLine, int lines) { this.firstLine = firstLine; this.lines = lines; } public CopyBlock asCopyBlock() { return this; } public int getFirstLine() { return firstLine; } public int getLines() { return lines; } } static class NewBlock extends BlockDiff { int originalStart; List contents; NewBlock(int originalStart, List contents) { this.originalStart = originalStart; this.contents = contents; } public NewBlock asNewBlock () { return this; } public int getOriginalStart() { return originalStart; } public List getContents() { return contents; } } static class ExplodedLine { int type; String left, right; int leftIndex, rightIndex; ExplodedLine(int type, String left, String right, int leftIndex, int rightIndex) { this.type = type; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.leftIndex = leftIndex; this.rightIndex = rightIndex; } public int getType() { return type; } public String getLeft() { return left; } public String getRight() { return right; } public int getLeftIndex() { return leftIndex; } public int getRightIndex() { return rightIndex; } } static class BlockDiffer { public static final int IDENTICAL = 0; public static final int DIFFERENT = 1; public static final int LEFT_ONLY = 2; public static final int RIGHT_ONLY = 3; private static void printChange(EGDiff.change change) { if (change != null) { System.out.println("line0="+change.line0+", line1="+change.line1 +", inserted="+change.inserted+", deleted="+change.deleted); printChange(; } } /** Generates the text content of a Unified-format context diff between 2 files * (NB the 'files-changed' header must be added separately). */ public static List generateUniDiff(List fileA, List fileB, int contextSize) { EGDiff diff = new EGDiff(fileA.toArray(), fileB.toArray()); EGDiff.change change = diff.diff_2(false); if (change != null) { int inserted, deleted; List hunkLines = new ArrayList(); int cumulExtraLinesBwrtA = 0; // Each hunk is generated with a header do { int line0 = change.line0, line1 = change.line1; int changeStart = ((line1 < line0) ? line1 : line0); int contextStart = ((changeStart > contextSize) ? changeStart - contextSize : 0); int headerPosn = hunkLines.size(); // Provide the first lines of context for (int i = contextStart; i < changeStart; i++) //System.out.println(" " + fileA.get(i)); hunkLines.add(" " + fileA.get(i)); boolean hunkFinish = false; // Step through each change giving the change lines and following context do { inserted = change.inserted; deleted = change.deleted; line0 = change.line0; line1 = change.line1; if (line1 < line0) // An insert comes earlier while (inserted-- > 0) hunkLines.add("+" + fileB.get(line1++)); while (deleted-- > 0) hunkLines.add("-" + fileA.get(line0++)); while (inserted-- > 0) hunkLines.add("+" + fileB.get(line1++)); // Lines following are trailing context, identical in fileA and fileB // The next change may overlap the context, so check and if so, form one hunk EGDiff.change nextChange =; int nextChangeStart = fileA.size(); if (nextChange != null) nextChangeStart = ((nextChange.line1 < nextChange.line0) ? nextChange.line1 : nextChange.line0); if (nextChangeStart - line0 > contextSize * 2) { // A separate hunk nextChangeStart = line0 + contextSize; hunkFinish = true; } if (nextChangeStart > fileA.size()) nextChangeStart = fileA.size(); // Limit to file size while (line0 < nextChangeStart) { hunkLines.add(" " + fileA.get(line0++)); line1++; // Keep in sync with trailing context } change =; } while (!hunkFinish && change != null); int hunkStartB = contextStart + cumulExtraLinesBwrtA; int hunkTotA = line0 - contextStart; int hunkTotB = line1 - hunkStartB; hunkLines.add(headerPosn, "@@ -" + (contextStart + 1) + ',' + hunkTotA + " +" + (hunkStartB + 1) + ',' + hunkTotB + " @@"); cumulExtraLinesBwrtA += hunkTotB - hunkTotA; } while (change != null); return hunkLines; } return null; } /* For testing: private static void printUniDiff(List fileA, List fileB, int contextSize) { List uniDiff = generateUniDiff(fileA, fileB, contextSize); if (uniDiff != null) for (int j = 0; j < uniDiff.size(); j++) System.out.println(uniDiff.get(j)); } */ public static List diffLines(List lines, List reference) { List diffs = new ArrayList(); EGDiff diff = new EGDiff(reference.toArray(), lines.toArray()); EGDiff.change change = diff.diff_2(false); //printChange(change); //printUniDiff(reference, lines, 3); int l0 = 0, l1 = 0; while (change != null) { if (change.line0 > l0 && change.line1 > l1) diffs.add(new CopyBlock(l0, change.line0-l0)); if (change.inserted != 0) diffs.add(new NewBlock(change.line1, lines.subList(change.line1, change.line1+change.inserted))); l0 = change.line0 + change.deleted; l1 = change.line1 + change.inserted; change =; } if (l0 < reference.size()) diffs.add(new CopyBlock(l0, reference.size()-l0)); return diffs; } /** fills files with empty lines to align matching blocks * * @param file1 first file * @param file2 second file * @return an array with two lists */ public static List explode(List file1, List file2) { List lines = new ArrayList(); List diffs = BlockDiffer.diffLines(file2, file1); int lastLineCopied = 0, rightOnlyStart = -1, rightPosition = 0; for (int i = 0; i < diffs.size(); i++) { BlockDiff diff = diffs.get(i); if (diff instanceof CopyBlock) { CopyBlock copyBlock = (CopyBlock) diff; if (lastLineCopied < copyBlock.getFirstLine()) { if (rightOnlyStart >= 0) { int overlap = Math.min(lines.size()-rightOnlyStart, copyBlock.getFirstLine()-lastLineCopied); //lines.subList(rightOnlyStart, rightOnlyStart+overlap).clear(); convertRightOnlyToDifferent(lines, rightOnlyStart, overlap, file1, lastLineCopied); lastLineCopied += overlap; } addBlock(lines, LEFT_ONLY, file1, lastLineCopied, copyBlock.getFirstLine(), lastLineCopied, -1); } addBlock(lines, IDENTICAL, file1, copyBlock.getFirstLine(), copyBlock.getFirstLine()+copyBlock.getLines(), copyBlock.getFirstLine(), rightPosition); rightPosition += copyBlock.getLines(); lastLineCopied = copyBlock.getFirstLine()+copyBlock.getLines(); rightOnlyStart = -1; } else if (diff instanceof NewBlock) { NewBlock newBlock = (NewBlock) diff; /*if (nextDiff instanceof BlockDiffer.CopyBlock) { BlockDiffer.CopyBlock copyBlock = (BlockDiffer.CopyBlock) nextDiff; copyBlock.getFirstLine()-lastLineCopied*/ rightOnlyStart = lines.size(); addBlock(lines, RIGHT_ONLY, newBlock.getContents(), 0, newBlock.getContents().size(), -1, rightPosition); rightPosition += newBlock.getContents().size(); } } if (rightOnlyStart >= 0) { int overlap = Math.min(lines.size()-rightOnlyStart, file1.size()-lastLineCopied); //lines.subList(rightOnlyStart, rightOnlyStart+overlap).clear(); convertRightOnlyToDifferent(lines, rightOnlyStart, overlap, file1, lastLineCopied); lastLineCopied += overlap; } addBlock(lines, LEFT_ONLY, file1, lastLineCopied, file1.size(), lastLineCopied, -1); return lines; } private static void convertRightOnlyToDifferent(List lines, int start, int numLines, List leftLines, int leftStart) { for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { ExplodedLine line = lines.get(start+i); lines.set(start+i, new ExplodedLine(DIFFERENT, leftLines.get(i+leftStart), line.getRight(), i+leftStart, line.getRightIndex())); } } private static void addBlock(List lines, int type, List srcLines, int start, int end, int leftStart, int rightStart) { for (int i = start; i < end; i++) lines.add(new ExplodedLine(type, type == RIGHT_ONLY ? "" : srcLines.get(i), type == LEFT_ONLY ? "" : srcLines.get(i), type == RIGHT_ONLY ? -1 : i - start + leftStart, type == LEFT_ONLY ? -1 : i - start + rightStart)); } public static List condense(List lines) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = lines.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ExplodedLine line =; if (line.getType() == IDENTICAL) { if (result.isEmpty() || result.get(result.size()-1).getType() != IDENTICAL) result.add(new ExplodedLine(IDENTICAL, "[...]", "[...]", -1, -1)); } else result.add(line); } return result; } }