Wrote /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_774839526/main.java - 207383 bytes (written=207383, should be 207383) javac=0, ecj=1, useJarBot=0 Checking ECJ at port 4898 at /root/jdk-17/bin/javac -source 11 -target 11 -nowarn -encoding utf8 -Xdiags:verbose -cp /root/.javax/x30.jar:/root/dexcompiler/android.jar:/root/dexcompiler/support-v4-22.2.1.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.base.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.graphics.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.swing.jar -d /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_1381584610 /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_774839526/main.java 2>&1
[Compilation Error]

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/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_774839526/main.java:171: error: method addAll in class LineComp_PairCounts cannot be applied to given types; pairCounts.addAll(overlappingPairs(l)); ^ required: Iterable<IntPair> found: List<Pair<Integer,Integer>> reason: argument mismatch; no instance(s) of type variable(s) A exist so that List<Pair<A,A>> conforms to Iterable<IntPair> where A is a type-variable: A extends Object declared in method <A>overlappingPairs(List<A>) /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_774839526/main.java:179: error: incompatible types: IntPair cannot be converted to Pair<Integer,Integer> while ((toCompress = pairCounts.mostPopularDuplicate()) != null) { ping(); ^ /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_774839526/main.java:181: error: method getCount in class LineComp_PairCounts cannot be applied to given types; int count = pairCounts.getCount(toCompress), idx = makeCPair(toCompress); ^ required: IntPair found: Pair<Integer,Integer> reason: argument mismatch; Pair<Integer,Integer> cannot be converted to IntPair 3 errors