Wrote /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java - 121760 bytes (written=121760, should be 121760)
javac=0, ecj=1, useJarBot=0
Checking ECJ at port 4898 at
/root/jdk-17/bin/javac -source 11 -target 11 -nowarn -encoding utf8 -Xdiags:verbose -cp /root/.javax/x30.jar:/root/dexcompiler/android.jar:/root/dexcompiler/support-v4-22.2.1.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.base.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.graphics.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.swing.jar:/root/.tinybrain/snippet-cache/1019849.jar -d /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_1147332411 /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java 2>&1
[Compilation Error]Compiler errors. Medium transpile. Show Java sources. Show snippet. Edit.
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:149: error: incompatible types: main.ProbabilisticMachine2.State cannot be converted to AModule.State
State s = prepareDescendant(new State());
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:160: error: no suitable method found for process(AModule.State,Object)
process(s, first(stack));
method main.process(String,Object) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; AModule.State cannot be converted to String)
method main.process(String,Object,String) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:207: error: no suitable method found for process(AModule.State,Object)
process(s, a);
method main.process(String,Object) is not applicable
(argument mismatch; AModule.State cannot be converted to String)
method main.process(String,Object,String) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:211: error: AModule.grab is not abstract and does not override abstract method getAnnotatedReturnType() in Executable
public class grab extends Executable implements IFieldsToList {
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:215: error: Executable() is not public in Executable; cannot be accessed from outside package
public grab() {
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:218: error: Executable() is not public in Executable; cannot be accessed from outside package
public grab(String what) {
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:254: error: AModule.EndOfInput is not abstract and does not override abstract method getAnnotatedReturnType() in Executable
public class EndOfInput extends Executable {
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:258: error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method step()
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:264: error: Executable is abstract; cannot be instantiated
return new Executable();
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:265: error: incompatible types: inference variable A has incompatible bounds
return foldl_noSeed((a, b) -> new SequenceCons(a, b), steps);
lower bounds: Executable,Object
lower bounds: Object
where A is a type-variable:
A extends Object declared in method foldl_noSeed(IF2,A...)
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:278: error: cannot find symbol
Sequence main = sequence(new grab("Hello"), new grab("world"), new EndOfInput());
symbol: class Sequence
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_993533370/main.java:282: error: cannot find symbol
pm.withState(new State() {
symbol: method withState(,)
location: variable pm of type ProbabilisticMachine2
12 errors