Wrote /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java - 1044 bytes (written=1044, should be 1044)
javac=0, ecj=1, useJarBot=0
Checking ECJ at port 4898 at
/root/jdk-17/bin/javac -source 11 -target 11 -nowarn -encoding utf8 -Xdiags:verbose -cp /root/.javax/x30.jar:/root/dexcompiler/android.jar:/root/dexcompiler/support-v4-22.2.1.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.base.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.graphics.jar:/root/javafx/javafx.swing.jar -d /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_1288123624 /root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java 2>&1
[Compilation Error]Compiler errors. Medium transpile. Show Java sources. Show snippet. Edit.
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:1: error: interface ISpec is public, should be declared in a file named ISpec.java
public static interface ISpec {
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:2: error: cannot find symbol
Lock aiLock();
symbol: class Lock
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_cache_hasTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_cache_hasTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_cache_hasTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:3: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_cache_hasTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class bool
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_postTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_postTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_postTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:4: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_postTriple(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:5: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_setMaker(S maker);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:5: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_setMaker(S maker);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:6: error: cannot find symbol
L allIndexedFullTerms();
symbol: class L
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:6: error: cannot find symbol
L allIndexedFullTerms();
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_texts_verified(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_texts_verified(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_texts_verified(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_texts_verified(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class L
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:7: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_texts_verified(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_text(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_text(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_text(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:8: error: cannot find symbol
S ai_text(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:9: error: cannot find symbol
Web ai_blob(S word, bool verified);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:9: error: cannot find symbol
Web ai_blob(S word, bool verified);
symbol: class bool
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:9: error: cannot find symbol
Web ai_blob(S word, bool verified);
symbol: class Web
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_index_search_dollarX(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_index_search_dollarX(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_index_search_dollarX(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_index_search_dollarX(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class L
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:10: error: cannot find symbol
L ai_index_search_dollarX(S a, S b, S c);
symbol: class WebNode
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:11: error: cannot find symbol
L indexedNodes(S s);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:11: error: cannot find symbol
L indexedNodes(S s);
symbol: class L
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:11: error: cannot find symbol
L indexedNodes(S s);
symbol: class WebNode
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
L indexedWebs(S s);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
L indexedWebs(S s);
symbol: class L
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:12: error: cannot find symbol
L indexedWebs(S s);
symbol: class Web
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:13: error: cannot find symbol
Set ai_invalidatedWebs();
symbol: class Set
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:13: error: cannot find symbol
Set ai_invalidatedWebs();
symbol: class GlobalID
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:14: error: cannot find symbol
void ai_invalidatedWebs_cache_put(GlobalID a, GlobalID b);
symbol: class GlobalID
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:14: error: cannot find symbol
void ai_invalidatedWebs_cache_put(GlobalID a, GlobalID b);
symbol: class GlobalID
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:15: error: cannot find symbol
MultiMap cachedNodeIndex2();
symbol: class MultiMap
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:15: error: cannot find symbol
MultiMap cachedNodeIndex2();
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:15: error: cannot find symbol
MultiMap cachedNodeIndex2();
symbol: class WebNode
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:16: error: cannot find symbol
Web ai_getWeb(S id);
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:16: error: cannot find symbol
Web ai_getWeb(S id);
symbol: class Web
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:17: error: cannot find symbol
void ai_setSubSpace(AI_SubSpace subSpace);
symbol: class AI_SubSpace
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:18: error: cannot find symbol
AI_SubSpace ai_currentSubSpace();
symbol: class AI_SubSpace
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:19: error: cannot find symbol
Set ai_mainIndexKeys();
symbol: class Set
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:19: error: cannot find symbol
Set ai_mainIndexKeys();
symbol: class S
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:20: error: cannot find symbol
TripleIndex tripleIndex();
symbol: class TripleIndex
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:21: error: cannot find symbol
void ai_removeWeb(Web web);
symbol: class Web
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:22: error: cannot find symbol
L virtualNodeIndices();
symbol: class L
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:22: error: cannot find symbol
L virtualNodeIndices();
symbol: class VirtualNodeIndex
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:23: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_enabled();
symbol: class bool
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:24: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_useThoughtSpaces();
symbol: class bool
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:25: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_inTripleMode();
symbol: class bool
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:26: error: cannot find symbol
AbstractThoughtSpace currentThoughtSpace();
symbol: class AbstractThoughtSpace
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:27: error: cannot find symbol
A thoughtSpace(A ts);
symbol: class AbstractThoughtSpace
location: interface ISpec
/root/JavaX-Caches/tmp_264767871/main.java:29: error: cannot find symbol
bool ai_isMemoryDirty();
symbol: class bool
location: interface ISpec
60 errors