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Title ID Type Uploaded by Category Public Comments Actions
Scrollbar at the bottom (Firefox) #1000160Imagestefan Yes 0
Scrollbar in the middle (Firefox) #1000161Imagestefan Yes 0 in Firefox #1000162Imagestefan Yes 0
Pouet BBS #1000163Imagestefan Yes 0
"go to page" #1000164Imagestefan Yes 0
VLC controls #1000166Imagestefan Yes 0
VLC controls 2 #1000167Imagestefan Yes 0
Window icons #1000168Imagestefan Yes 0
IDEA title bar #1000169Imagestefan Yes 0 (contents) #1000170Imagestefan Yes 0
Blue text #1000171Imagestefan Yes 0
key-mon #1000172Imagestefan Yes 1
key-mon left click #1000173Imagestefan Yes 0
Remove torrent? #1000175Imagestefan Yes 0
Haiku start screen in VirtualBox #1000176Imagestefan Yes 0
A crop of #1000176 #1000177Imagestefan Yes 0
Haiku ("Deutsch" not found) #1000178Imagestefan Yes 0
Haiku Black Boot Screen #1000179Imagestefan Yes 0
Some text #1000180Imagestefan Yes 0
"Deutsch" #1000181Imagestefan Yes 0
"Esperanto" #1000182Imagestefan Yes 0
"Cestina" #1000183Imagestefan Yes 0
"Espanol" #1000184Imagestefan Yes 0
"Hrvatski" #1000185Imagestefan Yes 0
"Desktop (Live-CD)" #1000186Imagestefan Yes 0
More Haiku windows #1000187Imagestefan Yes 0
Landscape small #1000189Imagestefan Yes 1
A night landscape #1000194Imagestefan Yes 0
Image: #1000195Imagestefan Yes 0
Image: #1000196Imagestefan Yes 0
Image: #1000197Imagestefan Yes 0
Image: #1000198Imagestefan Yes 0
Image: #1000199Imagestefan Yes 0
Image: #1000200Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000201Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000202Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000203Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000204Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000205Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000206Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000207Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000208Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: square #1000209Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: hexagon #1000210Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: hexagon #1000211Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: hexagon #1000212Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: hexagon #1000213Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: hexagon #1000214Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: circle #1000215Imagestefan Yes 0
Google image: circle #1000216Imagestefan Yes 0

Total snippets in DB: 41375