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Title ID Type Uploaded by Category Public Comments Actions
Window Painting v3 #1000040Imagestefan Yes 0
Cynus E1 #1000041Imagestefan Yes 0
Not a new tab #1000042Imagestefan Yes 0
Flora database browser with meta data #1000043Imagestefan Yes 0
Upload Files #1000044Imagestefan Yes 0
No windows #1000045Imagestefan Yes 0
Smart Editor #1000046Imagestefan Yes 0
Magic Wand Auto #1000047Imagestefan Yes 0
Helium Software #1000051Imagestefan Yes 0
Thunderboot (Atari ST demo) #1000052Imagestefan Yes 0
102005.jpg #1000053Lua code - Imagestefan Yes 0
A screenshot #1000054Imagestefan Yes 0
A screenshot #1000055Imagestefan Yes 0
A letter #1000056Imagestefan Yes 0
A letter (2) #1000061Imagestefan Yes 0
A letter (3) #1000062Imagestefan Yes 0
A letter (4) #1000063Imagestefan Yes 0
A letter (5) #1000064Imagestefan Yes 0
FreeSans letter #1000072Imagestefan Yes 0
FreeSans letter #1000073Imagestefan Yes 0
FreeSans letter #1000074Imagestefan Yes 0
FreeSans letter #1000075Imagestefan Yes 0
FreeSans letter #1000076Imagestefan Yes 0
Captcha #1000077Imagestefan Yes 0
YO HELLO #1000078Imagestefan Yes 0
Alphabet Liberation Serif 40 (two lines) #1000079Imagestefan Yes 0
Alphabet Liberation Sans 40 #1000080Imagestefan Yes 0
TinyBrain can read #1000081Imagestefan Yes 0
Another text in Liberation Sans 40 #1000082Imagestefan Yes 0
Text in another size #1000083Imagestefan Yes 0
Numbers + / (Liberation Sans) #1000084Imagestefan Yes 0
My phone number #1000085Imagestefan Yes 0
Alphabet, Ubuntu Medium #1000086Imagestefan Yes 0
What Aibo looks like #1000087Imagestefan Yes 0
No Aibo #1000088Imagestefan Yes 0
Aibo #1000089Imagestefan Yes 1
No Aibo #1000090Imagestefan Yes 0
Aibo (different animation phase) #1000091Imagestefan Yes 0
Aibo (different crop) #1000092Imagestefan Yes 1
Another Aibo screenshot #1000093Imagestefan Yes 0
Media Menu (VLC) #1000095Imagestefan Yes 0
Confirm close (Firefox) #1000096Imagestefan Yes 0
jEdit #1000097Imagestefan Yes 0
A crop of #1000095 #1000099Imagestefan Yes 0
Telekom Captcha #1000100Imagestefan Yes 0
Battery symbol #1000101Imagestefan Yes 0
Battery Symbol 70% #1000102Imagestefan Yes 0
Battery symbol (28%) #1000103Imagestefan Yes 0
Charging (33%) #1000104Imagestefan Yes 0
Battery fully charged #1000105Imagestefan Yes 0

Total snippets in DB: 41375