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< > BotCompany Repo | #636 // Resolve symbolic translator invocations

JavaX translator [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (8708L/51K).


static Object androidContext;

public static void main(S[] args) ctex {
  if (mainJava == null && readTextFile("input/", null) == null) {
    // invoked not as a translator, but as a main program
    // check our favorite scripts
    if (args.length == 0) return;
    String id = args[0].intern(), id2 = args.length > 1 ? args[0] + " " + args[1] : "";
    if (id == "learner") id = "#745";
    else if (id == "search") id = "#1000718";
    else if (id == "search-runnables") id = "#1000758";
    else if (id == "zipsplit") id = "#1000728";
    else if (id == "latest") id = "#1000778";
    else if (id == "runnables") id = "#1000778";
    else if (id == "num" && args.length > 1 && args[1].equals("widget")) { id = "#1000655"; args = drop(1, args); }
    else if (id == "swing-top") id = "#1000795";
    else if (id == "console-top") id = "#1001772";
    else if (id == "swing-start") id = "#1000825";
    else if (id == "set") id = "#1000797";
    else if (id2 == "brain on") id = "#1000953";
    else if (id2 == "brain off") id = "#1000954";
    else if (id == "talk") id = isAndroid() ? "#1001081" : "#1001085";
    else if (id2 == "hello world") id = "#1000414";
    else if (id == "upload-data") id = "#1000755";
    else if (id == "speech") id = "#1001131";
    else if (id == "tel" || id == "telbot" || id2 == "tel bot") id = "#1001146";
    else if (id == "leo") id = "#1001297";
    else if (id == "restart") id = "#1001353";
    else if (id == "kill") id = "#1001354";
    else if (id == "uploadImage") id = #1034134;
    else if (id == "uploadFile") id = #1033518;
    if (!isSnippetID(id))
      callMain(hotwire("#1000758"), args); // perform search for runnables
      callMain(hotwire(id), drop(1, args));
  // invoked as a translator
  String s = loadMainJava();
  String _args = join(" ", args);
  //System.err.println("Args: " + _args);
  // super-short syntax ("!636 (modern)" in first line)
  if (_args.indexOf("modern") >= 0)
    s = "!modern\n" + s;
  boolean modern = false;
  if (("\n" + s).indexOf("\n!modern") >= 0) {
    modern = true;
    s = s.replace("\n!class _javax 19", "");
    String replacement = "\n" +
      "!sf\n" +
      "!cast\n" +
      "!L<S>\n" +
      "!* ctr\n" +
      "!strings ==\n" +
      "!multi-line strings\n" +
      "!runnable {\n";

    replacement += "\n!thread {";
    s = ("\n" + s).replace("\n!modern", replacement).substring(1) 
      + "\n!1000703"; // add class _javax if necessary
  boolean nostd = false;
  if (s.indexOf("!quicktranslator") >= 0) {
    s = s.replace("!quicktranslator",
      "!1000347\n" +
      "!standard functions\n" +
  } else if (s.indexOf("!translator") >= 0) {
    s = s.replace("!translator",
      "!main\n" +
      "!standard functions\n" +
      "!596 628");
  } else {
    // standard main program (not a translator)
    // auto-import and quickmain are now enabled by default.
    // new: quicknew and ctex too.
    s = s.replace("!auto-import", "");
    s = s.replace("!quickmain", "");
    s = s.replace("!quicknew", "");
    s = s.replace("!ctex", "");
    if (s.indexOf("\n!nostd") >= 0) {
      s = s.replace("\n!nostd", "");
      nostd = true;
    } else {
      s = s + "\n!628"; // hope this doesn't break anything
      s = "!596\n" + s; // auto-import
      s = s + "\n!680\n!700"; // quicknew, ctex
  s = (("\n" + s).replace("\n!simplejava", "\n!1000368\n")).substring(1); // \n is important here
  s = s.replace("!main", "!609");
  s = s.replace("!class _x14", "!641");
  s = s.replace("!class _x18", "!include #1000571");
  s = s.replace("!class _javax 19", "!include #1000572");
  s = s.replace("!multi-line strings", "!699");
  s = s.replace("!class JavaTok", "!686");
  s = s.replace("\n!JavaTok", "\n!include #1000353");
  s = s.replace("!* constructors", "!697");
  s = s.replace("\n!L<S>", "\n!723"); // L, S, O, ret and so on
  s = s.replace("!quickandroid", "!713");
  s = s.replaceAll("!\\* (constructor|ctr)s?", "!697");
  s = s.replace("!FrameWithImages", "!include #1000539");
  s = s.replace("!image classes", "!include #1001447");
  s = s.replace("!standard functions", "!629");
  s = s.replace("!snipcom", "!1000607"); // snippet commenter
  s = s.replace("\n!_case", "\n!1000346"); // "case" as a variable name
  s = s.replace("\n!sf", "\n!629"); // standard functions
  s = s.replaceAll("\n!strings? ==", "\n!1000636"); // compare strings with "==" (selected cases only)
  s = s.replace("\n!cast", "\n!1000482"); // S s = cast in;
  s = s.replace("!actionListener {", "!614");
  s = s.replace("!awt {", "!1000805");
  s = s.replace("!thread {", "!721");
  s = s.replace("!stringfunc {", "!1000635");
  s = s.replace("!runnable {", "!711");
  s = s.replace("\n!pcall {", "\n!1001188");
  s = s.replace("\n!pcall", "\n!1001188");
  s = s.replaceAll("!named threads?", "!1001362");
  s = s.replace("!getCurrentCodeLine", "!1001487");
  // process include statements

  for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) {   
    Matcher m = Pattern.compile("!include (#\\d+)").matcher(s);
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    if (!m.find())
    else do {
      String includedSrc = loadSnippet(;
      m.appendReplacement(buf, m.quoteReplacement(includedSrc));
    } while (m.find());
    s = buf.toString();
  // !x123 translator syntax
  s = ("\n"+s).replaceAll("\n!x(\\d+)", "\n!$1").substring(1);
  //s = moveImportsUp(s);
  if (!nostd)
    s = s + "\n!1000691"; // move imports up
  if (modern)
    s = s + "\n!1001045"; // double variable remover

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Snippet ID: #636
Snippet name: Resolve symbolic translator invocations
Eternal ID of this version: #636/6
Text MD5: 9fa79279a30cef9543fe65504e900ccb
Transpilation MD5: 5d0ee74fb89ea976b251c4defa71bc39
Author: stefan
Type: JavaX translator
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-03-16 14:24:23
Source code size: 5834 bytes / 161 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 1823 / 40844
Version history: 5 change(s)
Referenced in: #1 - JavaX New "Conservative" Standard Translator (ex #752, see #759 For The Adventurous)
#636 - Resolve symbolic translator invocations
#638 - List current directory (works, shows "D" or "F" and name)
#639 - IOIOI Processor (v1, does prefixes and suffixes)
#640 - Learn to calculate (console)
#642 - isJavaCompilable
#643 - translateToJava (snippet arg or input/ to output/
#644 - P0rn finder :)
#646 - Lexicon test (tokenizing)
#648 - Lexicon test 2 (tokenizing Java)
#650 - Store home directory listing (developing, needs persistence)
#651 - Official Java tokenizer
#652 - Find main class (from CNC Tokenization)
#653 - Official JSON+C tokenizer (developing)
#654 - Upload to by SCP (developing)
#655 - Spaces, comments, words, strings (Tokenizer)
#656 - Include processor (developing)
#657 - Command processor (developing)
#658 - Append class declarations (image classes)
#659 - Image classes test (show a green rectangle)
#660 - vsplit v1
#661 - vsplit v2 (works on an image)
#662 - Image displayer (from snippets database)
#663 - vsplit v3 (with parameters class)
#664 - vsplit v4 (with solid col)
#665 - vsplit v5 (with grid)
#666 - vsplit v6 (with structure size)
#667 - vsplit v7 (with structure size limit)
#669 - Reproducing Coins
#670 - Reproducing 1 Coin
#672 - Focal points (developing)
#677 - IOIOI Processor (v2, with input splitting)
#678 - IOIOI Processor (v3, with input pattern finding)
#679 - Blog formatter (developing)
#682 - Basic password-based encryption function (developing)
#683 - Zip/jar file to path names (developing)
#684 - Basic password-based encryption function (for StackOverflow)
#685 - IOIOI Processor (v4, multi-case)
#687 - Object call manager (developing)
#688 - StringBuilder.isEmpty()
#689 - IOIOI Processor (v5, with GLearners)
#690 - IOIOI Processor (v6, with char shift)
#691 - IOIOI Processor (v7)
#693 - IOIOI Processor (v8, developing)
#694 - IOIOI Processor (v9)
#695 - IOIOI Processor (v10)
#696 - "*" constructor syntax (translator)
#697 - "*" constructor syntax (translator, v2)
#699 - JavaX multi-line-strings, improved (JavaX translator, current)
#702 - Wiring runner example
#704 - IOIOI Processor (v11)
#705 - An experiment with predictors
#706 - Learn to use "ls"
#710 - Example: Update widget with bitmap (Android)
#713 - "quickandroid"
#716 - IOIOI Processor (v12, "descent of choices")
#717 - IOIOI Processor (v13)
#719 - List all inner classes (reflection enhancer)
#720 - IOIOI Processor (v14, changing examples to Object)
#722 - IOIOI Processor (v15)
#723 - L<S>, O, ret and so on (translator)
#725 - Reproducing with boxes v2 (with individual diffs, developing)
#726 - Reproducing with boxes v3 (with individual diffs, developing)
#735 - Generic command executer - takes any command
#736 - Public command executer
#737 - Generic snippet interpreter (developing)
#738 - IOIOI Solver (v16, most recent one)
#739 - Web information extractor (developing)
#740 - Upload a local (text) file as NT snippet
#741 - My general main program
#742 - Ping!
#743 - Second counter (on widget)
#744 - Find a file
#745 - Learner (developing)
#747 - OLD main translator (use !7 now)
#750 - (JavaX)
#1000290 - Components in empty panel
#1000303 - tokenizeJava test
#1000306 - JSON tokenizer (abandoned)
#1000323 - Spaces, comments, words, strings (Tokenizer, embeddable, developing)
#1000324 - Spaces, comments, words, strings (Tokenizer, embeddable, developing 2)
#1000340 - Test of produced Java code (from #677)
#1000343 - Umlaut test for md5
#1000345 - loadDataSnippet (developing)
#1000346 - Use "case" as a variable name
#1000348 - Official Java tokenizer (embeddable)
#1000352 - Try generated Java code (by #685)
#1000353 - Official Java tokenizer plus multi-line strings (embeddable) - partly enhanced with robust multiline strings
#1000354 - JavaTok multi-line string test
#1000355 - Append old class JavaTok
#1000356 - JavaTok multi-line string test 2
#1000358 - plus minus (does it work?)
#1000364 - Quick Java compile and in-memory run test (for solvers, developing)
#1000365 - Quick Java compile and in-memory run test (for solvers - now with translations enabled)
#1000367 - SimpleJava test
#1000368 - !simplejava
#1000371 - JavaTok string bug test
#1000373 - JavaX multi-line-strings (JavaX translator, fixed)
#1000379 - Find old cache files (~.javax)
#1000381 - L<S> (translator)
#1000389 - Levenshtein distance function test
#1000393 - Meta-programming example (implementation)
#1000394 - Meta-programming example (implementation, adding automatic clone method)
#1000398 - Levenshtein distance function test
#1000399 - Compacted source of #705
#1000412 - Porting JavaX 18 to Android
#1000417 - Java hello world with test for setting androidContext - with translator
#1000419 - ImageView test (Android, in ScrollView)
#1000426 - Android Example: Scan screenshots directory
#1000429 - Android: Get number of cameras
#1000432 - Android web server test using NanoHTTPD on port 80 (compressing)
#1000433 - NanoHTTPD (old)
#1000435 - Android web server test using NanoHTTPD on port 8888
#1000437 - Android web server port 8888, extending web interface
#1000439 - Sound meter
#1000440 - Graphical sound meter
#1000443 - ListView test
#1000445 - Magical hello world from random strings
#1000446 - Claiming space on /storage/sdcard0
#1000447 - Android: Open camera v2 (developing)
#1000450 - Eclipse compiler test on Android - it's slow...
#1000463 - Java empty split test
#1000466 - JavaTok + finding test
#1000502 - JavaTok robust multilines test
#1000508 - Transpilation of #722
#1000516 - Official Java tokenizer plus multi-line strings (embeddable) - partly enhanced with robust multiline strings - pre-static
#1000528 - Reproducing with boxes v3 (with individual diffs, developing)
#1000529 - Reproducing with boxes v4 (developing)
#1000534 - test loadSnippetAndTitle (developer platform)
#1000538 - Perform JsonTok on snippet
#1000541 - Magnets
#1000551 - Magnets (v3, with edge points p1 and p2)
#1000552 - Magnets (v4, with edge diffs)
#1000562 - Make structure (implementation)
#1000563 - Parse "My actions"
#1000564 - Predict actions from history (developing)
#1000572 - (JavaX 19)
#1000575 - Print on widget or console
#1000579 - Snippet finding test (by title)
#1000587 - Expander for #1000586
#1000589 - Run expander (stand-alone test)
#1000591 - Test expansion
#1000594 - Comment interpreter (developing)
#1000596 - Cross-platform web server (port 8888), serving another movie
#1000599 - Snippet self-commenting test
#1000603 - Happiness for Ursula!
#1000604 - Text to Java example (Put X on the widget)
#1000605 - Snippet commenter skeleton (example, line counter)
#1000606 - Skeleton for !snipcom
#1000607 - !snipcom - Snippet commenter translator
#1000610 - Add main and psvm (edit suggestor)
#1000612 - Josef
#1000615 - Martina
#1000616 - Klaus
#1000623 - getSnippetComments test
#1000634 - Spike - find table names in MySQL dump
#1000636 - Compare strings with "==" instead of "equals" (JavaX translator)
#1000637 - Hotwiring the spike (#1000634)
#1000642 - Find create statements in MySQL dump
#1000645 - structure test
#1000648 - Find field names in MySQL "create table"
#1000656 - Parse MySQL values (part of insert statement)
#1000660 - MySQL dump importer
#1000662 - Test "process" function
#1000667 - MySQL query interpreter (todo)
#1000669 - htmlcoarsetok test
#1000671 - Listen to commands on blog.
#1000674 - Download & unpack MySQL dump from central database
#1000678 - Searching directly in a MySQL dump
#1000683 - WebView test
#1000684 - WebView test 2
#1000686 - MysqlTok on MySQL dump from central database
#1000687 - Test find create statements on huge dump
#1000690 - IDE (developing)
#1000693 - Resolve includes
#1000694 - spike of SnippetDB
#1000695 - Serve clock time under /time
#1000696 - Show computer ID
#1000698 - THIS is a database.
#1000699 - THIS is a database.
#1000700 - List other programs (Linux)
#1000701 - Second counter
#1000702 - Find a file
#1000704 - Progs4Cid test (show programs that have been run on current computer)
#1000710 - Delete learner log
#1000712 - Show learner log
#1000713 - Count to 10
#1000718 - Quick command-line snippet search
#1000721 - Say "Hello JavaX" using software speech synthesizer
#1000728 - Split zip/jar file into two
#1000733 - Talk when battery level crosses 5% boundaries
#1000739 - List current directory with sizes (works, shows "D" or "F" and name and size)
#1000743 - Upload an image to TinyBrain
#1000765 - Blocking server socket
#1000766 - Telnet to localhost
#1000778 - Print latest runnables
#1000792 - Snippet search (Swing)
#1000794 - Runnables search (Swing)
#1000795 - swing-top - List running programs (works)
#1000876 - Outdated version of swing-start
#1000881 - Swing: Show text snippet
#1000894 - Swing: Edit text snippet
#1000916 - slte function
#1000996 - Diff two snippets
#1001039 - quickProgramScan
#1001045 - Double variable/double inner class remover (now standard)
#1001087 - answerQuestionsOnPort / answerQuestionsOnPortAndConsole
#1001110 - (JavaX)
#1001148 - (JavaX)
#1001309 - Desktop: Leo's emoticons (include)
#1001370 - (JavaX)
#1001600 - (JavaX)
#1001638 - (JavaX) - packaged by #1001639
#1001647 - Android web server (port 8888), serving a movie
#1001856 - signJavaWithComputerID
#1002428 - Accellerated 629 Test
#1002474 - Standard functions (new)
#1002665 - Default boot-up code for JavaX/Android 26 (testing, with x27) BACKUP
#1003023 - ioioiParse
#1003437 - Swing: Edit JavaX snippet
#1003874 - Backup of #759 Before Integration
#1004087 - Default boot-up code for JavaX/Android 26 (testing, with x27) BACKUP
#1004182 - x30 for Android [stage 3, Java, LIVE]
#1004183 - Boot-up code for JavaX/Android (backup)
#1004305 - (JavaX)
#1004361 - Edit JavaX snippet [2]
#1004661 - Test auto-completion in RSyntaxTextArea [WORKS!] - But only with predefined completions
#1006032 - Edit JavaX snippet in "Editor VM"
#1007390 - x30 for Android (backup before multiport)
#1007957 - Simple Include-Handling Translator (for !7, not used anymore)
#1024219 - (JavaX) backup with JTextArea
#1037629 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037644 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037645 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037647 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037648 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037649 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037658 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037663 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037668 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037673 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037681 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037685 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037692 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037695 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037700 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037706 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037708 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037709 - ubaTaeCJ
#1037710 - ubaTaeCJ
#2000396 - Find main class (developing)
#2000448 - Image classes test
#2000467 - JavaTok multi-line string test
#2000473 - Find old cache files (~.javax)
#2000474 - Levenshtein distance function test
#2000479 - Wiring runner
#2000526 - Marked titles (beginning), contents of
#2000551 - Single-frame UI prelude/postlude
#3000000 - Contents of
#3000001 - Contents of
#3000002 - Contents of
#3000007 - Expansion of #1000586 through #1000587
#3000008 - Expansion of #1000586 through #1000587
#3000009 - Contents of
#3000024 - Contents of
#3000188 - Answer for stefanreich(>> t search)
#3000202 - Answer for stefanreich (>> T conversion bot)
#3000238 - Answer for stefanreich (>> t power bot)
#3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)
#3000383 - Answer for funkoverflow (>> t=1, f=0 okay)
#3000505 - Smart Bot's answer to: !eval wikipedia("Captain America")
#4000004 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000005 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000067 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000070 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000073 - ubaTaeCJ27pJ6o1v
#4000076 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000077 - -1 OR 2+888-888-1=0+0+0+1 --
#4000078 - -1 OR 2+78-78-1=0+0+0+1
#4000080 - -1' OR 2+281-281-1=0+0+0+1 --
#4000081 - -1' OR 2+267-267-1=0+0+0+1 or 'zmQlJLqV'='
#4000082 - -1" OR 2+545-545-1=0+0+0+1 --
#4000090 - if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
#4000093 - ubaTaeCJ0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
#4000096 - ubaTaeCJ0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
#4000099 - (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/
#4000105 - ubaTaeCJ-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
#4000108 - ubaTaeCJllH9TZ71'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
#4000112 - ubaTaeCJ8tf1MRsi' OR 843=(SELECT 843 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
#4000116 - ubaTaeCJHtKBtVmr') OR 88=(SELECT 88 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
#4000124 - ubaTaeCJbT6NMh3h')) OR 259=(SELECT 259 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
#4000128 - ubaTaeCJ'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'
#4000129 - ubaTaeCJ'"
#4000130 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000131 - @@otMXI
#4000134 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000137 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000140 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000143 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000144 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000145 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000146 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000147 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000148 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000151 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000154 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000160 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000163 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000166 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000169 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000178 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000182 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000186 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000195 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000202 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000206 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000210 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000214 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000223 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000227 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000228 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000229 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000230 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000237 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000241 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000245 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000249 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000250 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000251 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000252 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000253 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000254 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000263 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000267 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000271 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000275 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000279 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000286 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000290 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000294 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000298 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000307 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000314 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000318 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000322 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000326 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000335 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000339 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000340 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000341 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000342 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000349 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000353 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000357 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000364 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000365 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000366 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000367 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000368 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000369 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000378 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000382 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000386 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000394 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000398 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000402 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000406 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000410 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000414 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000418 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000428 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000432 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000436 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000439 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000447 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000453 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000454 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000455 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000456 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000459 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000461 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000472 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000474 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000475 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000477 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000478 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000479 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000480 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000483 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000486 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000489 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000492 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000498 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000502 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000506 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000509 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000513 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000515 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000517 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000518 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000519 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000522 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000525 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000530 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000571 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000575 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000581 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000582 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000583 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000584 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000585 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000586 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000587 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000588 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000589 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000598 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000601 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000604 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000611 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000614 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000617 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000620 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000623 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000626 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000632 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000636 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000642 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000647 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000653 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000656 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000657 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000658 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000659 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000662 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000665 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000670 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000717 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000720 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000723 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000726 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000727 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000728 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000729 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000730 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000731 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000734 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000737 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000740 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000743 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000746 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000752 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000755 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000758 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000761 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000769 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000773 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000775 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000777 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000779 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000781 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000783 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000784 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000785 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000786 - ubaTaeCJ
#4000801 - ubaTaeCJ