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< > BotCompany Repo | #1030687 // genai's letter_predictor [dev.]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 1059K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (3571L/18K).


sclass TreeEl {
  new ByteBuffer a;   // characters
  new DoubleBuffer b; // frequencies
  new IntBuffer c;    // indices into the tree

cmodule2 LetterPredictor > DynPrintLog {
  start-thread {
    ByteBuffer input2 = new(toUTF8("hello hello hello hello hello hello"));
    int de1 = 3;
    int de2 = 16;
    S decode = "0.";
    byte[] alphabet = allBytes();
    double[] weights = { 0.916, 0.88, 0.78, 0.96, 0.9, 0.83, 0.82, 0.54, 0.49, 0.25, 0.25, 0.27, 0.33, 0.53, 0.5, 0.53, 0.72 };
    double[] weights2 = { 0.72, 0.86, 0.95, 0.93, 0.97 };

    L<TreeEl> tree = ll(new TreeEl);
    int window_start = 1;
    int window_end = 15;
    double low = 1;
    double high = 1;
    double middle = 1;
    new StringBuilder compressed;
    for count2 to 50000: {
      ByteBuffer window = new ByteBuffer(input2.subArray(window_start - 1, window_end));
      int char_location = 15;
      int remove = 2;
      int char_index = 1;
      LPair<ByteBuffer, DoubleBuffer> predictions = ll(
        pair(new ByteBuffer(alphabet), new DoubleBuffer(rep(0.00001, l(alphabet)))));
      int node = 0;
      while (!(char_index == 0 || char_location == 0) && window_end != 16) {
        if (char_location != 15) {
          byte _char = window.get(char_location - 1);
          char_index = tree.get(node).a.indexOf(_char) + 1;
        if (char_index != 0 && char_location == 16) {
          TreeEl el = tree.get(node);
          predictions.add(1, pair(el.a, el.b));
          node = 0;
          char_location -= remove;
        else if (char_index != 0)
          node = tree.get(node).c.get(char_index - 1);
      Pair<ByteBuffer, DoubleBuffer> predict = pair(new ByteBuffer, new DoubleBuffer);
      int remaining = 1;
      for q over predictions: {
        Pair<ByteBuffer, DoubleBuffer> j = predictions.get(q);
        double sum2 = doubleSum(j.b);
        double w = sum2 / (l(j.b) == 226 ? 226
          : l(j.b) < 6 ? 7 * l(j.b) * weights2[l(j.b) - 1]
          : l(j.b) * 7);
        w = w > 20 ? 0.96 : w > 10 ? 0.92 : w > 3 ? 0.89
          : w> 1.5 ? 0.75 : w > 1 ? 0.64 : w > 0.7 ? 0.57
          : w > 0.5 ? 0.5 : w > 0.4 ? 0.44 : w;
        double _25ofRoof = (w * weights[l(predictions) - 1 - q]) * remaining;
        remaining -= _25ofRoof;
        for (int g = 0; g < l(j.a); g++) {
          byte k = j.a.get(g);
          double freq = j.b.get(g);
          char_index = predict.a.indexOf(k) + 1;
          if (char_index == 0) {
            predict.b.add((freq / sum2) * _25ofRoof);
          } else
            predict.b.set(char_index - 1, predict.b.get(char_index - 1) + (freq / sum2) * _25ofRoof);
      double summ = 1 - doubleSum(predict.b);
      int nPredict = l(predict.b);
      for n to nPredict:
        predict.b.set(n, predict.b.get(n) + summ / l(predict.b));
      low = high;
      double decodepart = parseDouble("0." + substring(decode, de1 - 1, de2));
      for (int m = 0; m < l(predict.a); m++) {
        byte x = predict.a.get(m);
        high = low;
        low -= predict.b.get(m) * middle;
        if (eq(decode, "0.") && x == last(window))
        else if (high > decodepart && decodepart > low) {
      char_location = lCommonPrefix(str(low), str(high));
      compressed.append(substr(str(low), 2, char_location));
      char_location -= 2;
      for count to char_location: {
        high *= 10;
        low *= 10;
      middle = floor(low);
      high -= middle;
      low -= middle;
      middle = high - low;
      node = 0;
      for (byte i : window) {
        TreeEl el = tree.get(node);
        char_index = el.a.indexOf(i) + 1;
        if (char_index == 0) {
          el.c.add(node = l(tree));
          tree.add(new TreeEl);
        } else {
          el.b.set(char_index - 1, el.b.get(char_index - 1) + 1);
          node = el.c.get(char_index - 1);

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Snippet ID: #1030687
Snippet name: genai's letter_predictor [dev.]
Eternal ID of this version: #1030687/32
Text MD5: 0c8d60217287450084a0bef04aac5cea
Transpilation MD5: 6418fa8739e5fea39adaf7acd50754ca
Author: stefan
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-03-08 12:31:35
Source code size: 4245 bytes / 131 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 172 / 490
Version history: 31 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]