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< > BotCompany Repo | #1026487 // Finding Nouns [dev.]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 911K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (15340L/82K).


// English:
//   x is contained in a mech list whose name contains "noun" => x is a noun

concept Result {
  int count;
  S output;
  MapSO vars;
  S result; // yes or no

cmodule FindingNouns > DynCRUD<Result> {
  S freeText;
  transient new LPair<S, MapSO> suggestionsAndVars;
  transient JButton btnYes, btnNo;
  transient Pair<S, MapSO> current; // proposal and variables used
  start-thread {
    LS emits = getEmits_tee(r { javaxSimple(); });
    MapSO lastVars = null;
    for (S s : emits) {
      MapSO vars = parseLineFromEmitVariables(s);
      if (vars != null) lastVars = vars;
        suggestionsAndVars.add(pair(s, lastVars));
  visual jtabs("Dialog" := centerAndSouthWithMargins(dm_printLogView(),
        btnYes = jbutton("Yes", rThread yes),
        btnNo = jbutton("No", rThread no),
        jlabel("or free text:")),
      onEnter(dm_textField freeText(), rThread { storeResult(freeText) }))), "Results" := super);

  void runByUser {
    current = random(suggestionsAndVars);
    if (current == null) ret;
    enableButtons(btnYes, btnNo);
  void yes { storeResult("yes"); }
  void no { storeResult("no"); }
  void storeResult(S result) enter {
    if (current == null) ret;
    print("Storing result: " + result);
    Result r = uniq(Result, output := current.a, vars := current.b, +result);
    cset(r, count := r.count+1);
    disableButtons(btnYes, btnNo);
  void javaxSimple() {
    for (S listName : mechListNames())
      if (cic(listName, "noun"))
        for (S s : mL(listName)) {
          emitVariables(+listName, +s);
          emit(quote(s) + " is a noun");

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Snippet ID: #1026487
Snippet name: Finding Nouns [dev.]
Eternal ID of this version: #1026487/16
Text MD5: c0eb60e61a2f3d80a485b496c4f24165
Transpilation MD5: 4f8be89c80a66352d2a6de0dd28a99d4
Author: stefan
Category: javax / speech recognition
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-01-06 19:58:34
Source code size: 1905 bytes / 71 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 158 / 414
Version history: 15 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]